a13xp0p0v / linux-kernel-defence-map

Linux Kernel Defence Map shows the relationships between vulnerability classes, exploitation techniques, bug detection mechanisms, and defence technologies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Link nodes to corresponding CWE records #3

Closed Self-Perfection closed 5 years ago

Self-Perfection commented 5 years ago

Make nodes in generated SVG clickable when viewing in webbrowser.

This is auto edit made with sed -i 's|\([^"]*(CWE-\([0-9]*\))[^"]*"\);$|\1 [URL="https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/\2.html"];|' *dot missing some nodes. Mostly as an example to illustrate suggestion to make nodes in SVG linked to something relevant. Uses URL property.

a13xp0p0v commented 5 years ago

Hello @Self-Perfection, Thanks for the idea.

Yes, this automatic edit both missed some vulnerability classes and added surplus information to the link descriptions. Would you like to fix it carefully and re-push this again? (otherwise no problem, I'll fix it myself)


Self-Perfection commented 5 years ago

Please make required adjustments, I don't want to put too much effort in this proposal.

a13xp0p0v commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Self-Perfection, I've finished and merged this work.