a13xp0p0v / linux-kernel-defence-map

Linux Kernel Defence Map shows the relationships between vulnerability classes, exploitation techniques, bug detection mechanisms, and defence technologies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Try other visualizations of the Map #6

Open a13xp0p0v opened 2 years ago

a13xp0p0v commented 2 years ago

The Map is quite complex. Let's try other graph visualizations, maybe make it interactive and see how it works. Example: https://d3-graph-gallery.com/

a-andreyev commented 1 year ago

I don't know a ready-to-use solution, unfortunately. I want to share search keywords. I guess it would be helpful.

Talking from an academic point of view, I've heard there is also a need for such tools. Search keywords: the semantic web, ontologies, knowledge bases. (see also: AI winter, knowledge engineering, logic programming). Hard to cover it in a post.

Talking about more practical things, I've heard about ontodia.org tool, which is probably a part of metaphacts project currently (if I'm not mistaken). So, it looks like it also makes sense to search for a regular visualization framework and try to adapt it to the subject area.

Therefore, data format related keywords are probably: json-ld visualization, ttl rdf visualization, graphviz visualization. UI related keywords: d3js, plotly.

Some related projects I've found:

Maybe some game engines/sdks also could be helpful, but I have no experience with it.

a13xp0p0v commented 3 months ago

One more interesting example of graph visualization: https://www.highcharts.com/demo/highcharts/network-graph