Hi @ykhli! Adding CLERK_USE_X_FWD_HEADERS=true as described here helped me to get rid of the redirection to localhost, but now I get port 80 in my URL. When I manually delete ":80" from the URL, redirection works. Can you please help me try to find a solution to this problem?
Hi @ykhli! Adding CLERK_USE_X_FWD_HEADERS=true as described here helped me to get rid of the redirection to localhost, but now I get port 80 in my URL. When I manually delete ":80" from the URL, redirection works. Can you please help me try to find a solution to this problem?
The project is running on Google Cloud Run. The URL looks like this: https://ai-bro-5oxslodcwq-uc.a.run.app:80/sign-in?redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fai-bro-5oxslodcwq-uc.a.run.app%3A80%2F#__clerk_db_jwt[eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXYiOiJkdmJfMlNtQXNodkYyN0dkdkF4UnRyekw2SnZJOTB6In0.Xq2T0PdayYJqOOFvOaapXNC7neWD-_1pbvNTniRWkG9QaUGL3x8soWOpvfQyRFXUOJpOXMbzViEFWQIbxgiWaRJH3pt9QU9K96fVFVh8ctT8czcH6b5zivwhAUwRLUrhi4DUlanFa7kvEiHskMX7lYTrag2hqLEXriSTx-OxEy606HEPPv3C5RYCZWVFyIOT_h5sreSfBX7oZH77AWq1LggKP-NcZzXNVXLx72LH_Zg1PLv8lSwDIz1sKxUPFxhThWX_EZpCkXI0zTbjIogFtqj8Ae60jFsdkeqqlOYwbmGZ802S_8Jw9VTnAh-ZwE_IBuRrVaBSb09i8kBcDvmvOQ]