a1q123456 / Harmonic

A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
MIT License
205 stars 70 forks source link

vs solution is not complete? #1

Open yys0124 opened 7 years ago

yys0124 commented 7 years ago

I opened the solution with vs2017 and told me a project rtmp-server can not be loaded. Then I opened the "rtmp-sharp.sln", it showed the following section:

Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "rtmp-server", "..\Document\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\rtmp-server\rtmp-server.csproj", "{4FDCBB5D-89FF-4689-94D5-8E911F61E97E}"

now the path is not exist on my computer.

yys0124 commented 7 years ago

by the way, how to save a video from rtmp stream to disk?

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

i'll fix it later

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

this is an rtmp video stream transfer, if you want to record video to disk, you may need to use ffmpeg to pull video stream as a client.

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

I've updated .sln file, removed the project rtmp-server

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

the project rtmp-server is used to test functionality of rtmp-sharp-server, and it's not the part of this project

yys0124 commented 7 years ago

I tried many ways to test and it doesn't work. would you please upload you examples here? it will be fantastic!

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

I'll do it later

yys0124 commented 7 years ago

Great! Thanks!

a1q123456 commented 7 years ago

I've added a demo project, you can try it now