a1q123456 / Harmonic

A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
MIT License
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Overrite the recording configuration doesn't work #10

Open loongtail opened 4 years ago

loongtail commented 4 years ago

I followed the doc to overrite the recording configuration and push video to rtmp://, but vs always show me that

'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll

even if I don't change anything, there is no video saved in default directory.

FInally I saved the video successfully by changing the public virtual string RecordPath { get; set; }= @"Record" to public virtual string RecordPath { get; set; } = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()

Are the instructions correct? Or Did I do something wrong above?

By the way , is there any method to saved the video at regular time or regular size, i don't want to lose the video after the program terminated by accident.

Dobriii commented 3 years ago

Change RtmpServerOptions -> RegisterCommonServices. For registration use PreserveExistingDefaults. https://autofaccn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/register/registration.html#default-registrations