a1q123456 / Harmonic

A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
MIT License
205 stars 70 forks source link

websocket play error #12

Open CoreDX9 opened 4 years ago

CoreDX9 commented 4 years ago

I forked your project and modify code to make it to work in asp.net core web application. ffmpeg playback is working well, but websocket playback is not. flv.js will throw exception. And I try to use http-flv playback, but it is not work.

You can run my code:

forked project https://github.com/CoreDX9/Harmonic/tree/a6318ce95ae7ad322ca01b904fd6756d884cf24b

webapp project https://github.com/CoreDX9/IdentityServerDemo/tree/c1335f39206d285bf2761c65815d8b68e73b092d

  1. download projects

  2. relink project ref Harmonic to IdentityServer

  3. run DemoApp/IdentityServer in solution IdentityServer

  4. go to "https://localhost:5001/RtmpManage/Index" and click start rtmp service

  5. use ffmpeg publish rtmp stream to "rtmp://localhost/living/touhou"

  6. go to "https://localhost:5001/LivingPlay/Index"

then flv.js will log error in console. I don't know why. Can you help me?