a1q123456 / Harmonic

A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
MIT License
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authentication , credentials for stream (user/pass) #15

Open ohadianoush opened 4 years ago

ohadianoush commented 4 years ago

hi, at the first ,thanks a lot for this amazing library :) i run harmonic on my server as console application (exe file). now every one can push stream an watch it . how can i protect it with authentication , credentials ?

a1q123456 commented 4 years ago

Hi, thx for interest in this repository. it can be achieved by making two derived class MyController and MySteeam. override the method "CreateStream" and return an instance of MySream. then override the method "play" in MyStream. you could find some details in this document https://github.com/a1q123456/Harmonic/blob/master/docs/api.md