a1q123456 / Harmonic

A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
MIT License
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Call custom API endpoint on stream dispose #23

Open ardianreqica opened 2 years ago

ardianreqica commented 2 years ago

I am publishing multiple streams on RTMP server(on each call I made custom job like updating stream status in db). -> This part is easy since in RTMP create stream message you have publishingName(StreamKey).

I am asking where is the right place to do custom work on stream stop (to do custom api call for updating stream status in db)

I made this part in RtmpController in DeleteStreamAsync method (first mapped streamID with streamName) but when running multiple stream - that custom API call is not made.

Does this part need to be handle on different part or am I doing something wrong?

drajvver commented 8 months ago

I understand that it has been 2 years since this post, but I'm stuck... How did you manage to execute anything on 'deleteStream' event? I can't trigger anything when stream is stopping using OBS.

a1q123456 commented 8 months ago

Hi drajvver, I can check it later when I have time.