a2lix / AutoFormBundle

Automate Symfony form building
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Add option configuration to target custom default entity manager #16

Open cacahouwete opened 5 years ago

cacahouwete commented 5 years ago
The service "a2lix_auto_form.manipulator.default" has a dependency on a non-existent service "doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager".

In my case I have multiple doctrine connections and then entity manager. My default entity manager service name is not default but something like "commonDb". Is it possible to add an option configuration to say witch one we want to target ?

h3llr4iser commented 3 years ago

I just update TranslationFormBundle to branch 3 and I have the similar problem. I have a default entity manager but I need to use in some forms a customer entity manager. Need to specify the entity manager for each form. Have you managed to solve the problem?

LouWii commented 2 years ago

Overriding the definition to pass your own entity manager is fairly easy. I've put that into my services.yaml config file for the app.

    # Override a2lix service definition to use the core entity manager
        class: Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory
        factory: ['@doctrine.orm.my_custom_entity_manager', 'getMetadataFactory']

The problem is when you have multiple entity managers, and need forms that are spread across multiple of them, I'm still trying to figure out how to handle that. Seems impossible as it is.

DoctrineORMInfo is where the problem starts. It can only handle 1 ClassMetadataFactory. But really, it should be setup so it can handle all entity managers that exist in the app, and find which one to use depending on the entity class. Should be doable.

h3llr4iser commented 1 year ago

I've been able to come up with a workaround by decorating the service in the following manner:


namespace App\AutoForm;

use A2lix\AutoFormBundle\Form\Type\AutoFormType;
use A2lix\AutoFormBundle\ObjectInfo\DoctrineORMInfo;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CollectionType;

class DoctrineORMInfoDecorator extends DoctrineORMInfo
    public function __construct(private DoctrineORMInfo $doctrineORMInfo, private ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry)

    public function getFieldsConfig(string $class): array
        $fieldsConfig = [];

        $em = $this->managerRegistry->getManagerForClass($class);
        $classMetadataFactory = $em->getMetadataFactory();

        $metadata = $classMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class);

        if (!empty($fields = $metadata->getFieldNames())) {
            $fieldsConfig = array_fill_keys($fields, []);

        if (!empty($assocNames = $metadata->getAssociationNames())) {
            $fieldsConfig += $this->getAssocsConfig($metadata, $assocNames);

        return $fieldsConfig;

    public function getAssociationTargetClass(string $class, string $fieldName): string
        $em = $this->managerRegistry->getManagerForClass($class);
        $classMetadataFactory = $em->getMetadataFactory();
        $metadata = $classMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class);

        if (!$metadata->hasAssociation($fieldName)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to find the association target class of "%s" in %s.', $fieldName, $class));

        return $metadata->getAssociationTargetClass($fieldName);

    private function getAssocsConfig(ClassMetadata $metadata, array $assocNames): array
        $assocsConfigs = [];

        foreach ($assocNames as $assocName) {
            $associationMapping = $metadata->getAssociationMapping($assocName);

            if (isset($associationMapping['inversedBy'])) {
                $assocsConfigs[$assocName] = [];

            $class = $metadata->getAssociationTargetClass($assocName);

            if ($metadata->isSingleValuedAssociation($assocName)) {
                $assocsConfigs[$assocName] = [
                    'field_type' => AutoFormType::class,
                    'data_class' => $class,
                    'required' => false,


            $assocsConfigs[$assocName] = [
                'field_type' => CollectionType::class,
                'entry_type' => AutoFormType::class,
                'entry_options' => [
                    'data_class' => $class,
                'allow_add' => true,
                'by_reference' => false,

        return $assocsConfigs;

    decorates: a2lix_auto_form.object_info.doctrine_orm_info
      $doctrineORMInfo: '@.inner'
      $managerRegistry: '@doctrine'