a2s-institute / youbot_simulation

Packages to run the KUKA youBot in the Gazebo simulation with ROS
22 stars 41 forks source link

Maintainers & default branch? #13

Open moriarty opened 5 years ago

moriarty commented 5 years ago

@frederikhegger left the university around the same time as I did, and looks like he's no longer active :cry:

@sthoduka & @deebuls you guys still actively use and depend on this package, and you're using the Kinetic branch. https://github.com/b-it-bots/mas_industrial_robotics/blob/bb7a0e1586921fcc27b6fd8403296c410b61867a/repository.rosinstall#L21-L24

But officially it hasn't been released since Indigo, and is unmaintained. https://index.ros.org/p/youbot_gazebo_control/github-youbot-youbot_simulation/#indigo

Do you want to change the default branch in GitHub, update the maintainers and also bloom the package?

moriarty commented 5 years ago

also ping @blumenthal and @timfri as an fyi.

The @YouBot is officially discontinued but I still get emails about youbot stuff, and I know they're looking for a new platform for @robocup-at-work but in the meantime there are still a number of the youbots out being used by university students.

jizecn commented 5 years ago

Any update? I have been trying to make it work on Kinetic, but have got various problems, e.g. Gazebo could not be launched using the launch files in youbot_gazebo_robot. Can you guide me where I can find more recent implementation please? Thanks.