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Disassembly of the Apple II Desktop - ProDOS GUI
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Prodos bell G pitch slider #283

Closed I3arana closed 2 years ago

I3arana commented 3 years ago

Request addition to your fine feature of the prodos bell G noise. In general control panel , add a slider that controls the pitch of the bell,(and possibly duration or sustain) handy and nice, especially with accelleration. As in beaglewrite's DeskTop based Desk Acc (check it out)

inexorabletash commented 3 years ago

Out of curiosity, do you frequently do things that invoke the bell?

I almost never run into it when I'm using DeskTop.

I3arana commented 3 years ago

Yes from time to time, deleting locked files, fiddling with gsos files etc

inexorabletash commented 3 years ago

As in beaglewrite's DeskTop based Desk Acc (check it out)

FWIW, BeagleWrite has no relation to DeskTop, and doesn't use MouseGraphics ToolKit - it's got its own graphics library implementation.

Are you referring to the Control Panel accessory? It always seems to crash for me (beeps and exits) when I install it into BeagleWrite and launch it. The other BW DAs seem to run fine - Puzzle, Clock, Calendar, etc. Any ideas?

inexorabletash commented 3 years ago

Good First Bug notes:

This one is tractable, but the challenge is not making the UI too cluttered. We could introduce a Sound control panel DA that changes a setting (clone the Startup DA to see how it's done). Since MGTK doesn't provide controls, a "slider" would need to be implemented by hand, but that's not too difficult.


There's the possibility to be even more creative here, though. Currently, the different apps (DeskTop, Disk Copy, Selector) all have copies of a 40-byte "Bell" routine that implements the ProDOS bzzt sound. The naive version of this would change a parameter. But what if we got more creative? This could range from adopting a sound routine that had multiple parameters, to defining a "system beep" as an arbitrary $80 bytes of code which is loaded from disk (like the settings block itself), and make the beep user selectable from a preset.

I think MJM's implementation of the IIgs "bonk" fits into $80 bytes: https://groups.google.com/g/comp.sys.apple2/c/bhDLdYXnmnE/m/7JWdhokfztIJ

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I got the BeagleWrite Control Panel DA working. Looks like it's just a pitch slider. (Again, the BW DAs are not compatible with A2D, just referencing it for comparison)

I'm thinking of something like this:


I3arana commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your brilliant work and continued contributions on this.By the lions mane!