a2stuff / a2d

Disassembly of the Apple II Desktop - ProDOS GUI
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Documentation Issues #681

Closed inexorabletash closed 1 year ago

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

This is an issue for collecting problems noted in documentation, including:

Instead of filing a separate bug, please add comments here. Make the comments as short as possible.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, fixes:

Under "Getting Started", under "Compatibility":

"Apple II DeskTop requires an Apple II, compatible, or emulator with at least 128k of RAM and Double-HiRes graphics support." should instead be "Apple II DeskTop requires an Apple II, compatible, or emulator with at least 128k of RAM and double hi-res graphics support.", with the words "double hi-res" replacing the word "Double-HiRes" in the sentence because that is how "double hi-res" is properly spelled.

"DeskTop uses the double-hires display mode." should instead be "DeskTop uses the double hi-res display mode.", with the words "double hi-res" replacing the word "double-hires" in the sentence because that is how "double hi-res" is properly spelled.

"The Laser 128 line of computers has a MONO/COLOR switch above the keyboard." should instead be "The Laser 128 line of computers have a MONO/COLOR switch above the keyboard.", with the word "have" replacing the word "has" in the sentence because "The Laser 128 line of computers" is plural.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Working With Disks":

"5.25" floppy icon for 140k disks in Disk II drives" should instead be "5.25" floppy icon for 140k disks", with the words "in Disk II drives" deleted from the sentence because 140K disks are shown with the 5.25-inch floppy icon regardless of the type of drive used since issue #437 was implemented.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Working With Files", under "Folder — DIR":

"ℹ️ NOTE: To automatically close the parent window, hold down ▲ while double-clicking or selecting File > Open." should instead be "ℹ️ NOTE: To automatically close the parent window, hold down ▲ while double-clicking a folder or hold down △ or ▲ while selecting File > Open.", with the words "a folder or hold down △ or ▲ while" replacing the word "or" in the sentence because either the Open Apple key or the Solid Apple key can be held down to automatically close the parent window when selecting File > Open from the File menu.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Working With Files", under "Graphics — FOT/$08, or certain BIN files:":

"BIN files with aux type $2000 or $4000 taking up 17 blocks (Hires) or 33 blocks (Double-Hires)" should instead be "BIN files with aux type $2000 or $4000 taking up 17 blocks (hi-res) or 33 blocks (double hi-res)", with the word "(hi-res)" replacing the word "(Hires)" and with the words "(double hi-res)" replacing the word "(Double-Hires)" in the sentence because that is how "hi-res" and "double hi-res" are properly spelled.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Working With Files", under "BASIC programs — BAS":

"To return to DeskTop, type BYE at the BASIC prompt." should instead be "To return to DeskTop, type bye or type BYE at the BASIC prompt.", with the words "type bye or" being added to the sentence because either "bye" or "BYE" can be used to dismiss the BASIC prompt and return back to Apple II DeskTop, even on an unenhanced Apple IIe.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files":

"Drag a volume icon onto a folder or volume icon to copy the contents of the source volume into the destination." should be updated to reference the fact that you can also drag a source volume icon onto a destination window in order to copy the contents of the source volume into the destination window.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, fixes:

"Apple (or compatible) with 128k and Double Hi-Res graphics: Apple IIe, IIc, IIc Plus, IIgs, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128, or Franklin ACE 2X00/500." should instead be "Apple (or compatible) with 128k and double hi-res graphics: Apple IIe, IIc, IIc Plus, IIgs, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128, or Franklin ACE 2X00/500.", with the words "double hi-res" replacing the words "Double Hi-Res" in the sentence because that is how "double hi-res" is properly capitalized.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "History", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/history, fixes:

"The application was developed using the MouseGraphics ToolKit by Apple, which provided the graphics primitives for drawing shapes and text to the complex double-hires graphics screen, and the windowing primitives such as events, cursors, menus, windows, scrollbars and mouse support." should instead be "The application was developed using the MouseGraphics ToolKit by Apple, which provided the graphics primitives for drawing shapes and text to the complex double hi-res graphics screen, and the windowing primitives such as events, cursors, menus, windows, scrollbars and mouse support.", with the words "double hi-res" replacing the word "double-hires" in the sentence because that is how "double hi-res" is properly spelled.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, fixes:

Under "Troubleshooting", under "The screen has color fringes everywhere and text is difficult to read.":

"Apple II DeskTop uses monochrome double-hires graphics." should instead be "Apple II DeskTop uses monochrome double hi-res graphics.", with the words "double hi-res" replacing the word "double-hires" in the sentence because that is how "double hi-res" is properly spelled.

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

Above updates applied, except in cases where optional alternatives (e.g. "BYE or bye") are simply excessive and make the instructions harder to understand.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "General Enhancements":

"* Mouse Keys mode simplified: (#185)

"* Mouse Keys mode simplified: (#185)

Under "DeskTop Enhancements":

Please reduce the amount of empty space between the different entries under "DeskTop Enhancements" in order to match the amount of empty space between the different entries throughout the rest of the release notes.

" New file type icons: graphics, IIgs-specific, AppleWorks, relocatable, command, fonts, music, and DAs. (#105, #116)" should instead be " New file type icons: graphics, IIgs-specific, AppleWorks, relocatable, command, fonts, DAs, music, and archives. (#105, #116)" with the words "DAs, music, and archives." replacing the words "music, and DAs." because support for archives has been added to Apple II DeskTop and I prefer that "DAs, music, and archives." be listed in that order because that way all of the icons that appear in issue #105 are listed first, in the order that they appear in the comments in issue #105, then DAs, which appear in issue #116, are listed and finally music and archives which were added later and appear in no issue are listed last.

" Icons for volumes positioned more predictably and sensibly. (#94, #375, #540)" should instead be " Icons for volumes positioned more predictably and sensibly. (#94, #375, #468, #540, #658, #663)" because issue #468, issue #658 and issue #663 also relate to this entry.

"* Show appropriate error when copying a file onto itself. (#630)

"* Show appropriate error when trying to replace an item with itself or an item it contains. (#630, #634, #635, #636)" to consolidate these entries because issue #630 is very closely related to issue #634, issue #635 and issue #636.

Please add an entry to the "DeskTop Enhancements" section stating that desk accessories, directories and previewable files can now be launched from the Shortcuts menu and from the Shortcuts > Run a Shortcut... dialog box.

Under "DeskTop Enhancements", under "Keyboard-related changes:":

" Shift key works as modifier to extend selection, on IIgs and systems with shift key mod. (#340)" should instead be " Shift key works as modifier to extend selection, on IIgs and systems with Shift key mod. (#340)" with the words "Shift key" replacing the words "shift key" because the "S" in the phrase "Shift key" is always capitalized and in order to match the style of all of the other keyboard shortcut entries in the release notes.

" Apple+` or Apple+Tab cycles through open windows; Shift+Apple+` (and Shift+Apple+Tab, when detectable) cycles in reverse. (#143, #230)" should instead be " Apple+` or Apple+Tab cycles through open windows; Shift+Apple+` (or Shift+Apple+Tab, when detectable) cycles in reverse. (#143, #230)", with the word "or" replacing the word "and", in order to match the style of all of the other keyboard shortcut entries in the release notes.

" Tab/Shift+Tab (or `/Shift+`) change selected icon in alphabetical order. (#275, #671)" should instead be " Tab or ` changes selected icon in alphabetical order; Shift+` (or Shift+Tab, when detectable) changes selected icon in reverse. (#275, #671)" for greater clarity and in order to match the style of all of the other keyboard shortcut entries in the release notes.

Under "DeskTop Enhancements", under a proposed new "File Picker Dialogs:" subsection:

Please add an entry to a proposed new "File Picker Dialogs:" subsection in the "DeskTop Enhancements" section referencing issue #598 and issue #605 that you can now press the Apple-Tab (or Shift-Tab, when detectable) keyboard shortcuts or hold down the Apple key (or Shift key, when detectable) while clicking Change Drive to reverse changing the order of drives in the file picker dialog boxes.

Under "Desk Accessory Enhancements":

The "Desk Accessory Enhancements" section should be renamed "Desk Accessory and Apple Menu Enhancements" because this section also includes Apple menu enhancements that do not just relate to desk accessories and Apple menu enhancements that do not relate to desk accessories at all.

" Show Text File DA: Keyboard support. Esc quits, arrows scroll, Space toggles modes. (#4, #403)" should instead be " Show Text File: Keyboard support. Esc quits, arrows scroll, Space toggles modes. (#4, #403)" with the initials "DA" deleted in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

Under "Additional Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels":

"* Control Panels

"* Control Panels

Under "Additional Desk Accessories", under "Screen Savers":

"* Screen Savers

"* Screen Savers

Under "Additional Desk Accessories":

"The Show Text File DA is now part of the file preview functionality (see below)." should instead be "Show Text File is now part of the file preview functionality (see below)." with the word "The" deleted and with the initials "DA" deleted in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

Under "Notable Fixes":

" Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#529, #537, and more)" should instead be " Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#529, #537)", because there are no other inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed and in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

" Control-Reset quits cleanly back to ProDOS (except buggy emulators). (#141)" should instead be " Control+Reset quits cleanly back to ProDOS (except buggy emulators). (#141)", with the word "Control+Reset" replacing the word "Control-Reset", in order to match the style of all of the other keyboard shortcut entries in the release notes.

" Disk Copy moved to a separate file that can be optionally removed, allowing other components to fit on a floppy disk. #216" should instead be " Disk Copy moved to a separate file that can be optionally removed, allowing other components to fit on a floppy disk. (#216)" in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes and then this entry should be moved from under "Notable Fixes" to the "DeskTop Enhancements" section because this entry contains an Apple II DeskTop enhancement, not a notable fix.

Under "Notable Fixes", under "File Picker Dialogs:":

Please move the entry "* File Picker Dialogs:

Under "Notable Fixes", under "Desk Accessories:":

Please move the entries "* Desk Accessories:

"* Desk Accessories:

"* Desk Accessories:

Please move the entry "* Desk Accessories:

Under "Notable Fixes", under "Hardware/Emulator Specific:":

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

Under "Notable Fixes":

"A full list of fixes in 1.2 can be found at: https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A1.2" should instead be "A full list of fixes in Apple II DeskTop 1.2 can be found at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3A1.2" with the words "Apple II DeskTop" added and with the colon (:) deleted for greater clarity and in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "Notable Fixes":

" Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#529, #537, and more)" should instead be " Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#528, #529, #537, #539) because issue #528 and issue #539 also relate to this entry, because there are no other issues relating to inconsistencies around the maximum number of icons allowed and in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Additional a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "Notable Fixes":

"* Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#529, #537, and more)" should instead be

"* Fix inconsistencies around maximum number of icons allowed. (#528, #529, #537, #539)" because issue #528 and issue #539 also relate to this entry, because there are no other issues relating to inconsistencies around the maximum number of icons allowed and in order to match the style of all of the other entries in the release notes.

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

I think I captured most of the above, except for adding additional issue numbers to lists. In most cases, the issue numbers omitted are intentional, because they describe issues not present in 1.1. For example, if a change was made from 1.1 to 1.2 that resulted in a new bug in 1.2, the new bug should not be listed in the release notes.

Also, completeness is not necessary; the full history of the issue tracker is available for anyone that is truly interested.

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

Thanks especially for noticing where I'd lost track of the difference between the Enhancements and Notable Fixes section.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 1:

Under "General Enhancements":

"* Mouse Keys mode simplified: (#185)

"* Mouse Keys mode simplified: (#185)

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 2:

Under "DeskTop Enhancements", under "File Picker Dialogs:":

" Pressing Apple+Tab (or Shift+Tab, when detectable), or holding Apple (or Shift, when detectable) while clicking Change Drive reverses the order. (#598, #605)" should instead be " Pressing Apple+Tab (or Shift+Tab, when detectable), or holding Apple (or Shift, when detectable) while clicking Change Drive reverses the order in which the drive changes. (#598, #605)", with the phrase "in which the drive changes" added to the end of the sentence.

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 3:

Under "DeskTop Enhancements", under "Keyboard-related changes:":

" Tab or ` changes selected icon in alphabetical order; Shuft+` (or Shift+Tab, when detectable) changes selected icon in reverse. (#275, #671)" should instead be " Tab or ` changes selected icon in alphabetical order; Shift+` (or Shift+Tab, when detectable) changes selected icon in reverse. (#275, #671)", with the phrase Shift+`, with a backslash () before the backtick (`), replacing the phrase Shuft+`, without a backslash () before the backtick (`).

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 4:

Under "Additional Desk Accessories", under "Screen Savers":

"* Screen Savers

"* Screen Savers

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 5:

Under "Notable Fixes", under "Hardware/Emulator Specific:"

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes, part 6:

Under "Notable Fixes", under "Hardware/Emulator Specific:"

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

"* Hardware/Emulator Specific:

I am dividing the a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes into multiple parts because some of my proposed changes involve backticks (`s) which might mess up the appearance of my other proposed a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes string changes.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "History", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/history, string changes:

Under "2021":

The "New DAs: Startup Options, Show Duet File, Matrix." entry should be updated to include "Darkness".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop "History", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/history, string changes:

Under a proposed new "2022" section:

A new "New DAs:" entry should be added that includes "Calendar", "Scientific Calculator" and "Sounds".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "DeskTop Enhancements":

"Desk accessories, directories, and previewable files can now be the target of Shortcuts." should instead be "Desk accessories, directories, previewable files, and volumes can now be the target of Shortcuts." because volumes also can now be launched from the Shortcuts menu and from the Shortcuts > Run a Shortcut... dialog box.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "History", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/history, string changes:

Under "1985":

"MouseDesk 1.5 and 1.6 upgrades released." should instead be "Mouse Desk 1.5 and 1.6 upgrades released.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop "History", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/history, string changes:

Under "1986":

"MouseDesk 1.0 reviewed in A+ Magazine (March), InfoWorld (March) and inCider (November). Most of the limitations pointed out were addressed in 2.0." should instead be "Mouse Desk 1.0 reviewed in A+ Magazine (March), InfoWorld (March) and inCider (November). Most of the limitations pointed out were addressed in 2.0.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?":

"How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?" should instead be ""How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?", with the superfluous extra space between the word "does" and the word "Apple" deleted.

Under "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?", under "Some comparisons were published in popular magazines at the time, including:":

"A+ Magazine (March 1986, page 34): compares Catalyst 3.0 and MouseDesk 1.0." should instead be "A+ Magazine (March 1986, page 34): compares Catalyst 3.0 and Mouse Desk 1.0.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

"InfoWorld (March 1986, page 36): compares Catalyst 3.0 and MouseDesk 1.0." should instead be "InfoWorld (March 1986, page 36): compares Catalyst 3.0 and Mouse Desk 1.0.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

"inCider (November 1986, page 76): compares Catalyst 3.0, MouseDesk 1.02, Harbor Software's MouseFiler 1.1, and Pinpoint Software's RunRun (both MouseText-based)" should instead be "inCider (November 1986, page 76): compares Catalyst 3.0, Mouse Desk 1.02, Harbor Software's MouseFiler 1.1, and Pinpoint Software's RunRun (both MouseText-based)", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

"How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?":

"How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?" should instead be "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?", with the superfluous extra space between the word "does" and the word "Apple" deleted.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?":

"How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?" should instead be "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?", with the superfluous extra space between the word "does" and the word "Apple" deleted.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Please do not suspend me or ban me for my repeated comments. I am sincerely sorry and I sincerely apologize for my repeated comments. I just kept on making tiny, little mistakes while trying to get my previous comment posted correctly!

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "Additional Desk Accessories":

"Note that the desk accessories from version 1.2 will not work with older versions of Apple II DeskTop/MouseDesk, due to dependence on new APIs." should instead be "Note that the desk accessories from Apple II DeskTop 1.2 will not work with older versions of Apple II DeskTop/Mouse Desk, due to dependence on new APIs.", with the words "Apple II DeskTop" replacing the word "version" for greater clarity in the release notes and the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional a2d/RELEASE-NOTES.md release notes, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/RELEASE-NOTES.md, string changes:

Under "1.1":

" Jay Edwards' MouseDesk/DeskTop History" should instead be " Jay Edwards' Mouse Desk/DeskTop History", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

a2d/README.md read me, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/README.md, string changes:

Under "Apple II DeskTop":

"Disassembly and enhancements for Apple II DeskTop (a.k.a. MouseDesk), a "Finder"-like GUI application for 8-bit Apples and clones with 128k of memory, utilizing double hi-res monochrome graphics (560x192), an optional mouse, and the ProDOS 8 operating system." should instead be "Disassembly and enhancements for Apple II DeskTop (a.k.a. Mouse Desk), a "Finder"-like GUI application for 8-bit Apples and clones with 128k of memory, utilizing double hi-res monochrome graphics (560x192), an optional mouse, and the ProDOS 8 operating system.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional a2d/README.md read me, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/README.md, string changes:

Under "Background":

"The application started its life as MouseDesk by Version Soft. Apple Computer licensed the software and released it, at first as MouseDesk 2.0, then rebranded Apple II DeskTop as the initial system software for the Apple IIgs before 16-bit GS/OS replaced it. It still functions on 8-bit Apples, including the Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIc Plus, Apple IIe Option Card for Macintosh, and the Laser 128 family." should instead be "The application started its life as Mouse Desk by Version Soft. Apple Computer licensed the software and released it, at first as Mouse Desk 2.0, then rebranded Apple II DeskTop as the initial system software for the Apple IIgs before 16-bit GS/OS replaced it. It still functions on 8-bit Apples, including the Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIc Plus, Apple IIe Option Card for Macintosh, and the Laser 128 family.", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk" and with the phrase "Mouse Desk 2.0" replacing the phrase "MouseDesk 2.0".

" History of MouseDesk/Apple II DeskTop Versions, by Jay Edwards" should instead be " History of Mouse Desk/Apple II DeskTop Versions, by Jay Edwards", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

" Disk Images for MouseDesk and Apple II DeskTop" should instead be " Disk Images for Mouse Desk and Apple II DeskTop", with the words "Mouse Desk" replacing the word "MouseDesk".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Further Additional a2d/README.md read me, located at https://github.com/a2stuff/a2d/blob/main/README.md, string changes:

Under "Background":

The "The application started its life as Mouse Desk by Version Soft. Apple Computer licensed the software and released it, at first as Mouse Desk 2.0, then rebranded Apple II DeskTop as the initial system software for the Apple IIgs before 16-bit GS/OS replaced it. It still functions on 8-bit Apples, including the Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIc Plus, Apple IIe Option Card for Macintosh, and the Laser 128 family." section of the read me, as updated as proposed in my previous comment, should be further updated to reference the Franklin ACE 2X00/500.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, string changes:

"Apple (or compatible) with 128k and double hi-res graphics: Apple IIe, IIc, IIc Plus, IIgs, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128, or Franklin ACE 2X00/500." should instead be "Apple (or compatible) with 128k and double hi-res graphics: Apple IIe, IIc, IIc Plus, IIgs, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128 family, or Franklin ACE 2X00/500.", with the phrase "Laser 128 family," replacing the phrase "Laser 128," for greater clarity in the home page.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "Can I run DeskTop off of 5.25" floppies?":

"Technically yes, but you probably don't want to or need to. See the previous question. If you're not managing files on an 800K or larger ProDOS disk, you probably don't need Apple II DeskTop." should instead be "Technically yes, but you probably don't want to or need to. See the previous question. If you're not managing files on an 800k or larger ProDOS disk, you probably don't need Apple II DeskTop.", with the phrase "800k" replacing the phrase "800K", for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

"Also, there is only enough room for ProDOS and Apple II DeskTop on a 140K floppy disk, so you don't get any Desk Accessories. 140K disk images are available for download, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive." should instead be "Also, there is only enough room for ProDOS and Apple II DeskTop on a 140k floppy disk, so you don't get any Desk Accessories. 140k disk images are available for download, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive.", with the phrase "140k" replacing the phrase "140K" each time the phrase "140K" appears, for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

Under "Are there applications for Apple II DeskTop?":

"The original 128K Macintosh seemed revolutionary." should instead be "The original 128k Macintosh seemed revolutionary.", with the phrase "128k" replacing the phrase "128K", for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

"Until systems had more memory and the Multi-Finder was released several years later, the Finder was completely replaced in memory when another application was run, and reloaded when the other application exited." should instead be "Until systems had more memory and the MultiFinder was released several years later, the Finder was completely replaced in memory when another application was run, and reloaded when the other application exited.", because the "MultiFinder" in the Classic Mac OS is written as "MultiFinder".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop, located at https://www.a2desktop.com, website-wide string changes applying to all webpages:

"Download 1.2 Alpha Disk Images" should instead be "Download Apple II DeskTop 1.2 Alpha Disk Images" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, string changes:

"What's new in 1.2?" should instead be "What's new in Apple II DeskTop 1.2?" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Further Additional Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, string changes:

"... or an emulator, such as Virtual ][ (macOS) or AppleWin (Windows)" should instead be "... or an emulator, such as Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin, (Windows), or MAME.", with the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin, (Windows), or MAME.", with a period at the end of the sentence, replacing the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS) or AppleWin (Windows)".

"Works best with a mouse, 800k or larger disk, and accelerator (2MHz or faster)" should instead be "Works best with a mouse, 800k or larger disk, and accelerator (2MHz or faster).", with a period at the end of the sentence.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

"Emulators such as Virtual ][, AppleWin, or MAME." should instead be "Emulators, such as Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin (Windows), or MAME.", with a comma (,) after the word "Emulators," and with the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin (Windows), or MAME." replacing the phrase "Virtual ][, AppleWin, or MAME.".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Further Additional Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, string changes:

"... or an emulator, such as Virtual ][ (macOS) or AppleWin (Windows)" should instead be "... or an emulator such as Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin, (Windows), or MAME.", with the comma (,) after the word "emulator" deleted and with the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin, (Windows), or MAME.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence, replacing the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS) or AppleWin (Windows)".

"Works best with a mouse, 800k or larger disk, and accelerator (2MHz or faster)" should instead be "Works best with a mouse, 800k or larger disk, and accelerator (2MHz or faster).", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

"Emulators such as Virtual ][, AppleWin, or MAME." should instead be "Emulators such as Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin (Windows), or MAME.", with the phrase "Virtual ][ (macOS), AppleWin (Windows), or MAME." replacing the phrase "Virtual ][, AppleWin, or MAME.".

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

The reason for the corrections of my last 2 posts is that a comma should not be used after the word "emulator" or after the word "Emulators" in my last 2 posts.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "About", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/about, string changes:

"What's new in 1.2?" should instead be "What's new in Apple II DeskTop 1.2?" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

In the table of contents at the beginning of the Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation:

The "Customizing the Apple menu entries" subheading under the "Tips and Tricks" heading of the Apple II DeskTop table of contents should instead be "Customizing the Apple Menu Entries", with the capitalized words "Menu Entries" replacing the lowercase words "menu entries" in the subheading, in order to match the rest of the headings and the subheadings of the Apple II DeskTop table of contents.

Under "Getting Started", under "Installation", under "An Apple II DeskTop installation has the following structure on a mass storage device:", under "📁 LOCAL (subdirectory) — Created when you run DeskTop. This contains these files:":

"📄 DESKTOP.CONFIG — Holds settings, if changed in the Control Panel DA. Delete this file to reset settings." should instead be "📄 DESKTOP.CONFIG — Holds settings, if changed in the control panels. Delete this file to reset settings." because DESKTOP.CONFIG contains the settings from the Control Panel control panel, the settings from the Startup Options control panel and the 12hr / 24hr clock setting from the Date and Time control panel.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Working With Disks", under "Icons represent the type of volume:":

"5.25" floppy icon for 140k disks" should instead be "5.25" floppy icon for 140k disks.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

"3.5" floppy icon for 800k disks" should instead be "3.5" floppy icon for 800k disks.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

"RAM card icon for RAM disks" should instead be "RAM card icon for RAM disks.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

"File share icon for AppleTalk and other network drives" should instead be "File share icon for AppleTalk and other network drives.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Using the DeskTop", under "Using BASIS.SYSTEM":

"ℹ️ NOTE: ProDOS 2.4 disks can use custom files named BASIS.SYSTEM to support different file types. For example, a disk with video demos will name the player application BASIS.SYSTEM. Selecting video files from Bitsy Bye will launch it automatically. Bitsy Bye only looks in the root directory of the drive, unlike DeskTop." should instead be "ℹ️ NOTE: ProDOS 2.4 disks can use custom files named BASIS.SYSTEM to support different file types. For example, a disk with video demos will name the player application BASIS.SYSTEM. Selecting video files from Bitsy Bye will launch it automatically. Bitsy Bye only looks in the root directory of the drive, unlike DeskTop.", with "BASIS.SYSTEM" bolded each time it appears in the text.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Key Caps":

"Shows a keyboard map, and indicates the keys you press. The "standard" layout will be shown for the Apple IIe or IIc. The "extended" layout will be shown for the IIc Plus or Apple IIgs. You can close the window using the keyboard by typing △-Q." should instead be "Shows a keyboard map, and indicates the keys you press. The "standard" layout will be shown for the Apple IIe or IIc. The "extended" layout will be shown for the Apple IIgs or IIc Plus. You can close the window using the keyboard by typing △-Q." in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Sort Directory", under "This accessory will reorder the files in the current window (volume or directory).":

"If no files are selected, all files are sorted by type (DIR, TXT, SYS, then others), and further sorted alphabetically by filename" should instead be "If no files are selected, all files are sorted by type (DIR, TXT, SYS, then others), and further sorted alphabetically by filename.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "This Apple":

"Shows details about the system. This includes the model of Apple, the version of ProDOS, the amount of any expanded memory, the CPU type, the contents of slots, and connected SmartPort devices." should instead be "Shows details about the system. This includes the model of Apple II, the version of ProDOS, the amount of any expanded memory, the CPU type, the contents of slots, and connected SmartPort devices.", with the words "Apple II" replacing the word "Apple", for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > Date and Time":

"ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to DESKTOP.CONFIG and the updated time is written to DESKTOP.SYSTEM in the LOCAL subdirectory." should instead be "ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to DESKTOP.CONFIG and the updated date and time are written to DESKTOP.SYSTEM in the LOCAL subdirectory.", with the words "date and time are" replacing the words "time is".

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > System Speed":

"Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (IIgs, IIc+, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip, ZipChip, Transwarp, Ultrawarp), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed." should instead be "Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (Apple IIgs, IIc Plus, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip //e, TransWarp I, UltraWarp, ZIP CHIP), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed.", with various improvements made throughout the text in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > Startup Options":

"Shows options to control DESKTOP.SYSTEM. Uncheck Copy to RAMCard to never copy DeskTop to the RAMCard. Uncheck Run Selector if you don't want it to run even if you place SELECTOR file in the same directory as DESKTOP.SYSTEM". should instead be "Shows options to control DESKTOP.SYSTEM. Uncheck Copy to RAMCard to never copy DeskTop to the RAMCard. Uncheck Run Selector if you don't want it to run even if the SELECTOR file is in the MODULES subdirectory, with the phrase "the SELECTOR file is in the MODULES subdirectory" replacing the words "you place SELECTOR file in the same directory as DESKTOP.SYSTEM", since the Selector file is now located in the Modules subdirectory and is no longer ever located in the same directory as Desktop.System.

"ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to a DESKTOP.CONFIG file in the LOCAL subdirectory." should instead be "ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to DESKTOP.CONFIG in the LOCAL subdirectory.", with the word "a" deleted and with the word "file" deleted in order to match the other control panel entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > Sounds":

"ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to a BELL.PROC file in the LOCAL subdirectory." should instead be "ℹ️ NOTE: When this control panel closes, the updated settings are written to BELL.PROC in the LOCAL subdirectory.", with the word "a" deleted and with the word "file" deleted in order to match the other control panel entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Screen Savers", under "Screen Savers > Matrix":

"Implementation inspired by https://github.com/neilk/apple-ii-matrix" should instead be "Implementation inspired by https://github.com/neilk/apple-ii-matrix.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "It is possible to execute most functions of Apple II DeskTop with the keyboard. Menus will display shortcuts for many actions. These shortcuts can also be used:", after "⚠️ WARNING: Some keyboard controls behave unpredictably on the Apple IIe if a mouse card is present but no mouse is attached.":

As also mentioned below, "ℹ️ NOTE: You can use ▲ instead of △ for most command shortcuts." should be moved from below under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "Shortcuts" and placed here under "Keyboard Control", under "It is possible to execute most functions of Apple II DeskTop with the keyboard. Menus will display shortcuts for many actions. These shortcuts can also be used:", after "⚠️ WARNING: Some keyboard controls behave unpredictably on the Apple IIe if a mouse card is present but no mouse is attached.".

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Windows":

"△-Up — Open the parent of the current window." should instead be "△-Up Arrow — Open the parent of the current window." in order to match the rest of the arrow key entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-▲-Up — Open the parent of the current window, then close the current window." should instead be "△-▲-Up Arrow — Open the parent of the current window, then close the current window." in order to match the rest of the arrow key entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons":

"Arrow keys cycle through selectable icons." should instead be "Arrow keys — Cycle through selectable icons." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Tab or ` cycles through selectable icons in alphabetical order. Shift-` (or Shift-Tab on the IIgs) cycles in reverse order." should instead be "Tab or ` — Cycle through selectable icons in alphabetical order. Shift-` (or Shift-Tab on the IIgs) cycles in reverse order." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Type a file or volume name to select the matching icon." should instead be "Type a file or volume name — Select the matching icon." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-Delete — Delete selected icon(s), or eject selected volume(s)." should instead be "△-Delete — Delete the selected icon(s), or eject the selected volume(s)." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-Down — Open (or preview) the selected icon(s)." should instead be "△-Down Arrow — Open (or preview) the selected icon(s)." in order to match the rest of the arrow key entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-▲-Down — Open the selected icon(s), then close the current window." should instead be "△-▲-Down Arrow — Open the selected folder(s), then close the current window." in order to match the rest of the arrow key entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation and because Open Apple-Solid Apple-Down Arrow only closes the current window when opening a folder or multiple folders.

"△-▲-O — Open the selected icon(s), then close the current window." should instead be "△-▲-O — Open the selected folder(s), then close the current window." because Open Apple-Solid Apple-Down Arrow only closes the current window when opening a folder or multiple folders.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "File Menu":

"△-N — New Folder" should instead be "△-N — New Folder...", with an ellipsis (...) at the end of the word "Folder...", for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-W — Close" should instead be "△-W — Close Window", with the word "Window" added at the end after the word "Close", for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

A new entry stating "Return — Rename..." should be added to the Apple II DeskTop documentation under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "File Menu", after the "△-I — Get Info" entry and before the proposed new "△-D — Duplicate..." entry.

A new entry stating "△-D — Duplicate..." should be added to the Apple II DeskTop documentation under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "File Menu", after the proposed new "Return — Rename..." entry and before the "△-Q — Quit" entry.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "Special":

"Special" should instead be "Special Menu" in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Menu Shortcuts" subsection of the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "Shortcuts":

"Shortcuts" should instead be "Shortcuts Menu" in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Menu Shortcuts" subsection of the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-0 — Run a Shortcut (dialog)" should instead be "△-0 — Run a Shortcut... (dialog)", with an ellipsis (...) at the end of the word "Shortcut...", for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-1 ... △-8 — Run a specific shortcut" should instead be "△-1 ... △-8 — Run a specific shortcut.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

As also mentioned above, "ℹ️ NOTE: You can use ▲ instead of △ for most command shortcuts." should be moved from here under "Keyboard Control", under "Menu Shortcuts", under "Shortcuts" and placed above under "Keyboard Control", under "It is possible to execute most functions of Apple II DeskTop with the keyboard. Menus will display shortcuts for many actions. These shortcuts can also be used:", after "⚠️ WARNING: Some keyboard controls behave unpredictably on the Apple IIe if a mouse card is present but no mouse is attached.".

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Text Input Fields":

"Left Arrow and Right Arrow move the insertion point through the text." should instead be "Left Arrow and Right Arrow — Move the insertion point through the text." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"△-Left Arrow and △-Right Arrow move the insertion point to the start and end of the text, respectively." should instead be "△-Left Arrow and △-Right Arrow — Move the insertion point to the start and end of the text, respectively." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Control-X (or Clear on the IIgs) clears the text." should instead be "Control-X (or Clear on the IIgs) — Clear the text." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "File Dialogs":

"Up Arrow and Down Arrow move through files." should instead be "Up Arrow and Down Arrow — Move through files." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Control-O — Open selected folder." should instead be "Control-O — Open the selected folder." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Control-C — Close (go to the parent directory)." should instead be "Control-C — Close the current directory (go to the parent directory)." for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"Hold down △ or ▲ and type a file name to select the matching list entry." should instead be "Hold down △ or ▲ and type a file name — Select the matching list entry." in order to match the rest of the entries in the "Keyboard Control" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Using the Selector", under "Keyboard Shortcuts":

"Hold down Q to run DeskTop" should instead be "Hold down Q to run DeskTop.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Tips and Tricks", under "Customizing the Apple menu entries":

The "Customizing the Apple menu entries" subheading in the "Tips and Tricks" section of the Apple II DeskTop documentation should instead be "Customizing the Apple Menu Entries", with the capitalized words "Menu Entries" replacing the lowercase words "menu entries" in the subheading, in order to match the rest of the headings and the subheadings of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

"You can use the Sort Directory DA to order the files in the DESK.ACC folder, which controls the menu order:" should instead be "You can use the Sort Directory DA to order the files in the DESK.ACC folder, which controls the menu order:", with the initials "DA" unbolded, in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Tips and Tricks", under "Customizing the Apple menu entries" under "You can use the Sort Directory DA to order the files in the DESK.ACC folder, which controls the menu order:":

"Open the A2.DESKTOP/DESK.ACC folder" should instead be "Open the A2.DESKTOP/DESK.ACC folder.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Tips and Tricks", under "Customizing the Apple menu entries":

"To remove items from the Apple menu, you can do either of the following." should instead be "To remove items from the Apple menu, you can do either of the following:", with a colon (:) replacing the period (.) at the end of the sentence.

"You can copy the SHOW.TEXT.FILE, SHOW.IMAGE.FILE and SHOW.DUET.FILE accessories from the PREVIEW directory to the DESK.ACC directory to make them appear on the Apple menu. You can then use them to preview files that do not have the correct ProDOS file types. After restarting, select a file to preview, then select the accessory from the Apple menu." should instead be "You can copy the SHOW.TEXT.FILE, SHOW.IMAGE.FILE and SHOW.DUET.FILE accessories from the PREVIEW directory to the DESK.ACC directory to make them appear on the Apple menu. You can then use them to preview files that do not have the correct ProDOS file types. After restarting, select a file to preview, then select the accessory from the Apple menu.", with the word Apple bolded each time it appears in the text, in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Tips and Tricks", under "Secrets and Mysteries":

"In the This Apple desk accessory, type E to see what other Apple models look like." should instead be "In the This Apple desk accessory, type E to see what other Apple II models look like.", with the words "Apple II" replacing the word "Apple" the second time the word "Apple" appears in the text, for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Troubleshooting", under "The mouse pointer only moves up and down or left and right, not both.":

"The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the IIc and IIc+ where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix." should instead be "The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the Apple IIc and IIc Plus where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix.", with the words "Apple IIc and IIc Plus" replacing the words "IIc and IIc+", in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Troubleshooting":

"I used View > By Name and now I can't select things." should instead be "I used View > by Name and now I can't select things.", with the lowercase word "by" replacing the capitalized word "By", for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

In the table of contents at the beginning of the Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation:

Add an entry to the table of contents under "Using the DeskTop", after "Working With Files", named after and referencing the "Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files" subheading of the "Using the DeskTop" heading of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Add an entry to the table of contents under "Using the DeskTop", after the proposed "Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files" entry mentioned above, named after and referencing the "View Options" subheading of the "Using the DeskTop" heading of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Add an entry to the table of contents under "Using the DeskTop", after "Previewing Files", named after and referencing the "Using BASIS.SYSTEM" subheading of the "Using the DeskTop" heading of the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "Releases", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/releases, string changes:

Under "Modern Versions":

"💾 DeskTop 1.2 Alpha" should instead be "💾 Apple II DeskTop 1.2 Alpha" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

"Bug reports and feature requests are welcome - use the Issue Tracker" should instead be "Bug reports and feature requests are welcome - use the Issue Tracker.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "Vintage Versions":

"DeskTop 1.1 (November 26, 1986)" should instead be "Apple II DeskTop 1.1 (November 26, 1986)" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

"DeskTop 1.0 (September 6, 1986)" should instead be "Apple II DeskTop 1.0 (September 6, 1986)" for greater clarity and for greater consistency in the Apple II DeskTop website.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "What is DeskTop for?":

"Like the macOS Finder or the Windows File Explorer, it's an application for navigating and managing files on your ProDOS-8 disks and launching programs." should instead be "Like the macOS Finder or the Windows File Explorer, it's an application for navigating and managing files on your ProDOS 8 disks and launching programs.", with the word "ProDOS-8" being replaced with the phrase "ProDOS 8", because "ProDOS 8" is written as "ProDOS 8".

"If you don't need to manage files, or only ever run programs by booting floppy disks or running the amazing Total Replay, it's probably not for you." should instead be "If you don't need to manage files, or only ever run programs by booting floppy disks or running the amazing Total Replay, it's probably not for you." with the extra superfluous space between the word "running" and the word "the" deleted. I do not think that the superfluous space will show up in my GitHub comment. Please look at the Apple II DeskTop "FAQ" website, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, in order to see it.

Under "Can I run DeskTop off of 5.25" floppies?":

"140k disk images are available for download, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive." should instead be "140k disk images are available in the download packages, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive.", with the words "in the download packages," replacing the words "for download,", since Apple II DeskTop is now offered as a single download package containing all disk images relating to a specific language.

Under "Is DeskTop available in other languages?":

"Click the download link and you will find disk images available for the following languages:" should instead be "Click the download link and you will find download packages available for the following languages:", with the words "download packages" replacing the words "disk images", since Apple II DeskTop is now offered as a single download package containing all disk images relating to a specific language.

Under "What other "GUI applications" exist for the Apple II?", under "Spreadsheet":

"MouseCalc - VersionSoft" should instead be "Mouse Calc - Version Soft", with the words "Mouse Calc" replacing the word "MouseCalc" and with the words "Version Soft" replacing the word "VersionSoft", because "Mouse Calc" is written as "Mouse Calc" and "Version Soft" is written as "Version Soft".

Under "What other "GUI applications" exist for the Apple II?", under "Telecommunications":

"VersionTel - VersionSoft" should instead be "Version Tel - Version Soft", with the words "Version Tel" replacing the word "VersionTel" and with the words "Version Soft" replacing the word "VersionSoft", because "Version Tel" is written as "Version Tel" and "Version Soft" is written as "Version Soft".

Under "How does Apple II DeskTop compare to Catalyst and GEOS?", under "Some comparisons were published in popular magazines at the time, including:":

"inCider (November 1986, page 76): compares Catalyst 3.0, Mouse Desk 1.02, Harbor Software's MouseFiler 1.1, and Pinpoint Software's RunRun (both MouseText-based)" should instead be "inCider (November 1986, page 76): compares Catalyst 3.0, Mouse Desk 1.02, Harbor Software's MouseFiler 1.1, and Pinpoint Software's RunRun (both MouseText-based).", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

Under "How can I contribute to the project?":

"Please read and adhere to the Code of Conduct and read the Guide for Contributing" should instead be "Please read and adhere to the Code of Conduct and read the Guide for Contributing.", with a period (.) at the end of the sentence.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "Can I run DeskTop off of 5.25" floppies?":

"140k disk images are available for download, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive." should instead be "140k disk images are available in the download packages, but they are really intended as a way to get the files onto your system to copy onto a hard drive.", with the words "in the download packages," replacing the words "for download,", since Apple II DeskTop is now offered as a single download package containing all disk images relating to a specific language.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Update for Apple II DeskTop "FAQ", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, string changes:

Under "What is DeskTop for?":

"If you don't need to manage files, or only ever run programs by booting floppy disks or running the amazing Total Replay, it's probably not for you." should instead be "If you don't need to manage files, or only ever run programs by booting floppy disks or running the amazing Total Replay, it's probably not for you." with the extra superfluous space between the word "running" and the word "the" deleted. The extra superfluous space did not show up in my GitHub comment after all. Please look at the Apple II DeskTop "FAQ" website, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/faq, in order to see the extra superfluous space.

inexorabletash commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Most changes applied, except for:

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > System Speed":

"Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (Apple IIgs, Apple IIc Plus, Macintosh IIe Option Card, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip //e, ZIP CHIP, Transwarp I, Ultrawarp), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed." should instead be "Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (Apple IIgs, IIc Plus, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip //e, TransWarp I, UltraWarp, ZIP CHIP), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed.", with various improvements made throughout the text, such as the phrase "(Apple IIgs, IIc Plus, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128EX)" replacing the phrase "(Apple IIgs, Apple IIc Plus, Macintosh IIe Option Card, Laser 128EX)" and the phrase "(FASTChip //e, TransWarp I, UltraWarp, ZIP CHIP)" replacing the phrase "(FASTChip //e, ZIP CHIP, Transwarp I, Ultrawarp)", in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons":

"Arrow keys — Cycle through selectable icons." should instead be "Arrow keys — Cycle through selectable icons.", with the extra superfluous space between the word "keys" and the "—" dash deleted. The extra superfluous space will not show up in my GitHub comment. Please look at the Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation website, under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs#h.p_fthAmDxtEOQ9, in order to see the extra superfluous space.

"Tab or ` — Cycles through selectable icons in alphabetical order. Shift-` (or Shift-Tab on the IIgs) cycles in reverse order." should instead be "Tab or ` — Cycles through selectable icons in alphabetical order. Shift-` (or Shift-Tab on the IIgs) cycles in reverse order.", with the extra superfluous space between the first bolded backtick (`) symbol and the "—" dash deleted. The extra superfluous space will not show up in my GitHub comment. Please look at the Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation website, under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs#h.p_fthAmDxtEOQ9, in order to see the extra superfluous space.

"Type a file or volume name — Select the matching icon." should instead be "Type a file or volume name — Select the matching icon.", with both the extra superfluous space between the word "name" and the "—" dash deleted and the extra superfluous space between the "—" dash and the word "Select" deleted. The extra superfluous spaces will not show up in my GitHub comment. Please look at the Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation website, under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons", located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs#h.p_fthAmDxtEOQ9, in order to see the extra superfluous spaces.

"△-▲-O — Open the selected icon(s), then close the current window." should instead be "△-▲-O — Open the selected folder(s), then close the current window." and match the △-▲-Down Arrow entry because Open Apple-Solid Apple-O only closes the current window when opening a folder or multiple folders.

Under "Troubleshooting", under "The mouse pointer only moves up and down or left and right, not both.":

"The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the Apple IIc and Apple IIc Plus where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix." should instead be "The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the Apple IIc and IIc Plus where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix.", with the words "Apple IIc and IIc Plus" replacing the words "Apple IIc and Apple IIc Plus", in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

Under "Keyboard Control", under "Icons":

"△-▲-O — Open the selected icon(s), then close the current window." should instead be "△-▲-O — Open the selected folder(s), then close the current window." and match the "△-▲-Down Arrow" entry because Open Apple-Solid Apple-O only closes the current window when opening a folder or multiple folders.

Under "Troubleshooting", under "The mouse pointer only moves up and down or left and right, not both.":

"The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the Apple IIc and Apple IIc Plus where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix." should instead be "The M0100 mouse is known to have compatibility issues with the Apple IIc and IIc Plus where the mouse may not be detected, or one axis may stop being measured. This is due to a hardware problem affecting only some mice with that model number. Mice with model numbers starting with A2 should function correctly. This problem is not specific to Apple II DeskTop. More details and a fix.", with the phrase "Apple IIc and IIc Plus" replacing the phrase "Apple IIc and Apple IIc Plus", in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.

c0mmander8 commented 2 years ago

Additional Corrections for Apple II DeskTop "Docs" documentation, located at https://www.a2desktop.com/docs, string changes:

Under "Desk Accessories", under "Control Panels", under "Control Panels > System Speed":

"Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (Apple IIgs, Apple IIc Plus, Macintosh IIe Option Card, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip //e, ZIP CHIP, Transwarp I, Ultrawarp), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed." should instead be "Shows Normal and Fast buttons. On systems with built-in accelerators (Apple IIgs, IIc Plus, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128EX) or some add-on accelerators (FASTChip //e, TransWarp I, UltraWarp, ZIP CHIP), this selects between the standard 1MHz speed and the accelerator's fastest speed.", with the phrase "(Apple IIgs, IIc Plus, IIe Option Card for Mac, Laser 128EX)" replacing the phrase "(Apple IIgs, Apple IIc Plus, Macintosh IIe Option Card, Laser 128EX)" and the phrase "(FASTChip //e, TransWarp I, UltraWarp, ZIP CHIP)" replacing the phrase "(FASTChip //e, ZIP CHIP, Transwarp I, Ultrawarp)", in order to match the rest of the entries in the Apple II DeskTop documentation and for accuracy in the Apple II DeskTop documentation.