a2stuff / a2d

Disassembly of the Apple II Desktop - ProDOS GUI
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Monochrome mode broken on IIe Card #771

Closed tweedyf closed 7 months ago

tweedyf commented 9 months ago

a2d works great (albeit with the expected fuzzy text) in color mode on my Color Classic II with IIe Card.

However, when I switch to monochrome mode, the desktop doesn't render properly, and moving the mouse creates odd diagonal artifacts. This is from starting a2d in color mode, switching to monochrome, then moving the mouse a bit.

A2D bw

More screen artifacts are created the more the mouse moves, so it quickly becomes unusable:

Picture 01

If I start a2d in monochrome mode, the entire screen is garbled:

Picture 00


inexorabletash commented 9 months ago

What version of the IIe card software is on your Mac?

tweedyf commented 9 months ago


inexorabletash commented 9 months ago

Can you try 2.2.1? While 2.2.2d1 fixes some bugs it's known to introduce other bugs since it wasn't an official release.

2.2.1 doesn't exhibit the problems for me: image

(I suspect an emulation issue as the color/mono difference is completely invisible to the emulated machine.)

frankmilliron commented 9 months ago

In my notes about the IIe card I have "v2.2.2d1 - buggy developer preview version, VBL signal reversed accidentally (don't use)".

Use 2.2.1 instead.

tweedyf commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I should have thought of that. Unfortunately though, downgrading to 2.2.1 doesn't seems to have resolved the issue.

I'll do a bit more troubleshooting when I'm back at home tonight. I have a CC board I can swap in, and I can also try the IIe Card in an LC 475, to try to isolate this a bit more.

@inexorabletash what are the details of the system you have this working on?

tweedyf commented 9 months ago

Happy to report that A2D works as expected on the LC475 and with the original CC board installed. Weirdly though, the behavior above persists when I have the CCII board installed. Unfortunately I don't have another, so I can't say whether the issue is with this CCII logic board in particular or with something about that board type in general.

Edit: What I called the "CCII board" is actually a Performa 550 820-0368-A board.

inexorabletash commented 7 months ago

I finally had a chance to get my LC set up again. Here's my working config:

Macintosh LC 475 820-0364-A board (in Performa 400 case) System 7.5.3 Revision 2 IIe Card: 670-4444-A IIe Startup version: 2.2.1

No issues with monochrome mode, either switching while already running or starting in monochrome mode.

Closing this out as it doesn't seem like something that can be handled by DeskTop itself.