a327ex / blog

gamedev blog
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AIKA #1 - Setup, SDL, SDL_gpu #34

Closed a327ex closed 6 years ago

a327ex commented 6 years ago

I'm starting a new tutorial series on writing an engine for 2D games in C using SDL. I'm writing my articles on my own site now but I'll still use this repository for comments. So this issue is for comments on this article:

AIKA #1 - Setup, SDL, SDL_gpu

flamendless commented 6 years ago

Awesome! What do you use for your Site?

a327ex commented 6 years ago

@flamendless I built it from scratch using Lua

flamendless commented 6 years ago

@SSYGEN really? With lua? What libraries?

a327ex commented 6 years ago

@flamendless The site is here https://github.com/SSYGEN/SSYGEN

dbriemann commented 6 years ago

@SSYGEN First of all I really like to read your blog. Cannot wait to read more about your custom framework/engine.

Second of all your way of blogging somehow inspired me and today I released my static site/blog generator based on Github issues and pages. If you are interested check out

  1. the repo: https://github.com/dbriemann/glyph-zero
  2. how it looks like after building from issues: https://dbriemann.github.io/blog/2-introducing-glyph-static-site-generator-powered-by-github-issues-and-pages.html

Since you rolled your own solution already you probably won't need it but I thought you might be interested.