a7ex / xcresultparser

Parse the binary xcresult bundle from Xcode builds and testruns
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Markdown formatting on github will display `<span>` tags #20

Open amleszk opened 10 months ago

amleszk commented 10 months ago

Hello we have an issue where using the markdown format wont render span tag to Github actions step summary. Is there an existing way to fix this? If not I suggest having a new output format for markdown compatible with Github. Github has some alternatives for highlighting text listed here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11509830/how-to-add-color-to-githubs-readme-md-file and in documentation https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax

Example command and result below.


      - if: failure()
        name: Generate Github Markdown
        run: |
          xcresultparser \
              --failed-tests-only \
              --output-format md \
              --quiet \
              'reports/TestResultsBundle.xcresult' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
a7ex commented 7 months ago

Hi Alistair, sorry for not having seen your Issue earlier. I know this is a long time... I will look into your proposed solutions as soon as possible.