a8m / angular-filter

Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS (with no external dependencies!)
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string - leftpad, rightpad would be usefull #43

Open maku opened 10 years ago

maku commented 10 years ago

I would need additional string filter for padding (leftpad, rightpad)

What do you think?

a8m commented 10 years ago

@maku I think it would be a useful filters. We can go this way... string | rpad: string: length[optional] rpad:

<p>{{ 'foo' | rpad: 'bar' }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foo' | rpad: 'bar': 2 }}</p>

lpad: same behaviour like rpad


<p>{{ 'foo' | pad: 'bar' }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foo' | pad: 'bar': 2 }}</p>

let me know what do you think...

mallowigi commented 10 years ago

Why in the world would we need something like that?

maku commented 10 years ago

I would have thought the following variant (like in the following java lib)

https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/apidocs/org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils.html#leftPad(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String)

e.g. {{2 | leftPad:3:'0'}} --> 002 {{'abc' | leftPad:10:''}} --> ******abc and so on

@mallowigi - I hope the reason why someone could need this func. is obvious

a8m commented 10 years ago

I can understand what @mallowigi means.. It's not a common situation, and we always could go this way... for example: rpad:

<p>{{ ('foo'|repeat:3) + 'bar' }}</p>


<p>{{ 'bar' + ('foo'|repeat:3) }}</p>


<p>{{ 'bar' | wrap: ('foo'|repeat:3)  }}</p>

It is just a matter of what we're prefer, keep angular-filter thin and robust, or more huge with syntactic sugar etc.. It will be nice to hear more opinions...

codeedog commented 10 years ago

I'd vote for thin and robust with a jaundiced eye towards including new things. Is there another way to solve the padding problem? It seems like the filter library is for handling groups (arrays) of objects, not single instance items. This example is single instance. How about a real-world group example? Also, in this case we are dealing with string transformation. Why not use .map on arrays and run it through a function to pad or wrap? Again, edge case vs. common plus bang for the buck.

mallowigi commented 10 years ago

I agree, this library shouldn't be a pot-pourri of what we can do with angular filters, but rather a collection of useful and common functions that everyone can encounter on a daily basis, such as map, omit, first, capitalize or join. Agreed, some of them are rarely used (such as fuzzy or striptags) and some of them could be easily replaced by other filters (startsWith, wrap...) but this was probably a result of a proof of concept during the early phases of development.

mallowigi commented 10 years ago

I think for all esoteric filters we should open another project (same as lodash-contrib or sugar-contrib) and keep this one clean.

codeedog commented 10 years ago

@mallowigi nice suggestion, best of both worlds. I wonder if there are any current filters that could be migrated into the secondary library?

mallowigi commented 10 years ago

I don't think it will be possible, a lot of people are using "ngpipe" filters right now, just move them to another repository could be disastrous!

a8m commented 10 years ago

I agree with both of you guys, and appreciate your contributions here. I think @codeedog right, and maybe we could deprecate unused filters.. we can open a new issue and discuss about that, asking people what they are thinking etc etc..

maku commented 10 years ago

Sorry guys,

I thought when a filter like "wrap" is in the library then left/rightpad is not such a bad idea (btw, I can imagine how I work around wrap but not around the padding filter without providing a scope function)

a8m commented 10 years ago

Don't be sorry @maku, that's the point of discussion. see above the 'work around' examples e.g:

<p>{{ ('*'|repeat:10) + 'foo' }}</p>
maku commented 10 years ago

@a8m sorry thats not the point -> as I wrote:

{{2 | leftPad:3:'0'}} --> 002 {{'abc' | leftPad:10:''}} --> ******abc and so on

which means that padding depends on the length of the input ...

richardm commented 10 years ago

I'm with @maku on this one - if we have it, it should pad to a certain length.

danrevah commented 10 years ago

I think a padding would be a good idea. and I can certainly could find it useful in my projects.

Adriien-M commented 9 years ago

+1 for the feature, padleft is very useful