a914-gowtham / android-video-trimmer

Helps to trim local videos with compress option on Android applications using Exoplayer 2 and FFmpeg.
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Freeze UI Thread when open TrimVideo.activity #40

Closed onaburalnyionseo closed 3 years ago

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

I call: TrimVideo.activity(String.valueOf(data.getData())) .setTrimType(TrimType.MIN_MAX_DURATION) .setMinToMax(5, 60).start(fragment);


after that my UI is freeze. in profiler i found that copyFileToInternalStorage() in method setDataInView() in ActVideoTrimmer.onPostCreate need do in background thread because it freeze UI Thread.

i think the best solution its dont copy video on start and save only cropped part to app folder.

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

did you pass video path TrimVideo.activity(String.valueOf(data.getData())) in this constructor. this error might happen if you pass videopath instead of videouri. Can you share the device details?

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

My device is Google Pixel XL. Android 10 (QP1A.191005.007.A3)

I create intent and execute: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); intent.setType("video/*"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, false); fragment.startActivityForResult(intent, 2);

and in onActivityResult: if (requestCode == 2 && data != null) { if (data.getData() != null) { TrimVideo.activity(String.valueOf(data.getData())) .setTrimType(TrimType.MIN_MAX_DURATION) .setMinToMax(5, 60).start(fragment); } else { Toast.makeText(fragment.getContext(), "video uri is null", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } else if (requestCode == TrimVideo.VIDEO_TRIMMER_REQ_CODE && data != null) { Uri TrimmedVideoUri = Uri.parse(TrimVideo.getTrimmedVideoPath(data)); }


onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

@a914-gowtham any ideas ?

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

I'll try to reproduce it here

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

@a914-gowtham Did you manage to reproduce this defect?

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo I couldn't reproduce the issue. I tried the latest release with Pixel XL emulator android 10. can you share the library version you used

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago


a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo Really Sorry for late response. You can use this implementation 'com.github.a914-gowtham:Android-video-trimmer:b6fe3a90f8' snapshot it will be available in the next release. now copyToInternalStorage method runs in background.

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

@a914-gowtham Well thank you! I will try on this week and let you know the result. When I can expected marge this fix in the main branch?

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo If you verify the fix. I can make a release within a day.

copyToInternelStorage is not the correct way when I try to trim a video from getExternalStorageDirectory() it throws fileNotFoundException. that's why I used copyToInternelStorage as a workaround. I will try to find any other solution instead of copyToInternelStorage.

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago


@a914-gowtham Could not find com.github.a914-gowtham:Android-video-trimmer:b6fe3a90f8.

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo Make sure to add the jitpack maven in build.gradle(project)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

@a914-gowtham At first glance, everything is fine. But i think you don't must copy video to app folder because app size very increase. I think the best solution is load video to preview from original video path and save to app folder only trimmed video. What do you think about this solution? Video to edit will be open faster and dont increse app folder size.

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

yes, you are right I tried to open a video with a size of 1Gb two times and the app size became 2gb. It needs to be fixed. I'll try to find the workaround

onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

As fast solution it's remove original video from app folder after edit and save only edited video. But this is not resolve long time copy original video

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo Can you try this implementation 'com.github.a914-gowtham:Android-video-trimmer:83d2302d57' . In this snapshot CopiedVideoFile is deleted in onDestroy of the ActTrimmer .

If it works for you. I can make a release(1.7.0) with this fix and #49 fix

I have found a way to avoid doing copyToInternalStorage. So, there will be no needed to show progress. It will be available in the 1.7.1 version.

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo You will need this. I made a breaking change.

   //create a global variable
    ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> videoTrimResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(
            new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),
            result -> {
                if (result.getResultCode() == Activity.RESULT_OK &&
                        result.getData() != null) {
                    Uri uri = Uri.parse(TrimVideo.getTrimmedVideoPath(result.getData()));
                    Log.d(TAG, "Trimmed path:: " + uri);

                } else
                    LogMessage.v("videoTrimResultLauncher data is null");
                    .setCompressOption(new CompressOption()) //pass empty constructor for default compress option
                    .start(this, videoTrimResultLauncher);

//for Kotlin

    val startForResult = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { 
    result: ActivityResult ->
        if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            //handle data

                    .setCompressOption(new CompressOption()) //pass empty constructor for default compress option
                    .start(this, videoTrimResultLauncher)
onaburalnyionseo commented 3 years ago

@a914-gowtham Hi. yes its work, you can release this change to 1.7.0 but i think i still be wait your improvement ASAP. its about: "I have found a way to avoid doing copyToInternalStorage. So, there will be no needed to show progress. It will be available in the 1.7.1 version."

a914-gowtham commented 3 years ago

@onaburalnyionseo I just made releases 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 implementation 'com.github.a914-gowtham:android-video-trimmer:1.7.1'