a914-gowtham / android-video-trimmer

Helps to trim local videos with compress option on Android applications using Exoplayer 2 and FFmpeg.
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More than one file was found with OS independent path While using both FFMPEG and VIDEO_TRIMMER #51

Closed wh173d3v11 closed 3 years ago

wh173d3v11 commented 3 years ago

implementation 'com.arthenica:ffmpeg-kit-full:4.4.LTS' implementation 'com.github.a914-gowtham:android-video-trimmer:1.7.0'

when I use both of these I am getting the following error.

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libavdevice.so'. If you are using jniLibs and CMake IMPORTED targets, see https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features#automatic_packaging_of_prebuilt_dependencies_used_by_cmake


if I am only using a video trimmer it's working fine, but I need both implementations. help, please. thanks

wh173d3v11 commented 3 years ago

solved by adding below code in build.gradle(app level)

packagingOptions { pickFirst '*/.so' }