Open raphael-bmec-co opened 4 years ago
Hey, Thanks for your feedback.
For 2, I understand your problem. You are actually using some "undocumented" feature to set the default value of the serial port when invoking the CMake. You can also use the documented way of passing the serial port as environment variable in CLion. However, CLion or other IDE specific usage documentation is lacking and expected to improve in the future. I suggest you continue using the method you discovered. Note that in release 1.1 of the toolchain, the name changed to ARDUINO_UPLOAD_SERIAL_PORT.
For 1, I did not understand your problem. As far as I know, there is no need to move CMakeLists.txt anywhere. Just need to point to the appropriate directory as the CMake source directory (i.e. Use Examples
as CMake source directory to build all examples, or use Examples/01_hello_world
to build only the hello world example.)
Hey, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
I was running off master. I have just moved to release 1.1 and I am not having "issue" 1 anymore. I suspect this has more to do with something I changed on my side than the version change.
For the sake of helping anyone who tries to set this up on CLion in the future. The "tricks" for setting up a working project are as follows:
(Check the actual port for your device).The most important point is that you should not open the root "Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev" in CLion as it will create additional CMakeLists.txt files that will cause issues.
Hi. Next challenge:
I am struggling to include BLE libraries. Interestingly this is one library with several includes. Maybe that is related to the issue?
I have tried replacing BLEDevice
with the library name ESP32 BLE Arduino
I have tried the other includes: BLEUtils
and BLEServer
I have also tried AUTO_PUBLIC
I have verified that the includes are located here:
The error mentions the search path: C:/Users/Raph/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.4
# app
add_executable(arc003-2 arc003-2.cpp)
target_link_arduino_libraries(arc003-2 PRIVATE BLEDevice core)
# This is needed for the generation of HEX binary and uploading it
# libs
add_library(serial_debug utils/serial_debug/serial_debug.h)
target_link_arduino_libraries(serial_debug AUTO_INTERFACE utils/serial_debug/serial_debug.h AUTO_PRIVATE)
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\CLion 2020.1\bin\cmake\win\bin\cmake.exe" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/workspace/arduino/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev/Arduino-toolchain.cmake -D ARDUINO_UPLOAD_SERIAL_PORT=COM9 -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" C:\workspace\ARC003-2
CMake Error at C:/workspace/arduino/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev/Arduino/System/BoardBuildTargets.cmake:433 (message):
Arduino library BLEDevice could not be found in
Files (x86)/Arduino
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/workspace/arduino/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev/Arduino/System/BoardBuildTargets.cmake:650 (find_arduino_library)
C:/workspace/arduino/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev/Arduino/System/BoardBuildTargets.cmake:617 (_add_internal_arduino_library)
C:/workspace/arduino/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-release-1.1-dev/Arduino/System/BoardBuildTargets.cmake:183 (_link_ard_lib_list)
CMakeLists.txt:9 (target_link_arduino_libraries)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/workspace/ARC003-2/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/workspace/ARC003-2/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
[Failed to reload]
name=ESP32 BLE Arduino
author=Neil Kolban <>
maintainer=Dariusz Krempa <>
sentence=BLE functions for ESP32
paragraph=This library provides an implementation Bluetooth Low Energy support for the ESP32 using the Arduino platform.
includes=BLEDevice.h, BLEUtils.h, BLEScan.h, BLEAdvertisedDevice.h
I am going to keep at it, maybe I am missing something but your help would be great.
I have marked this issue as enhancement to make the upload, ISP and other tool related options (like SERIAL_PORT) available through board options file, to improve the usage experience.
Found the issues in the CMakeLists.txt:
add_executable(arc003-2 arc003-2.cpp)
needed to be
add_executable(arc003-2 arc003-2.cpp modules/ble/services/wifi/ble_wifi_services.cpp)
Thank you, that would be a nice enhancement.
I have another question. Again, not sure if I am doing something wrong.
I am building a large project and I have a .h and .cpp file in some nested folder:
CMake runs fine but when compiling I get:
CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/arc003-2.cpp.o:(.literal._Z8ble_initv+0x20): undefined reference to `BleServiceWifiConfig::BleServiceWifiConfig(BLEServer*)'
CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/arc003-2.cpp.o:(.literal._Z8ble_initv+0x24): undefined reference to `BleServiceWifiScanner::BleServiceWifiScanner(BLEServer*)'
CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/arc003-2.cpp.o: In function `ble_init()':
C:\workspace\ARC003-2/arc003-2.cpp:512: undefined reference to `BleServiceWifiConfig::BleServiceWifiConfig(BLEServer*)'
C:\workspace\ARC003-2/arc003-2.cpp:513: undefined reference to `BleServiceWifiScanner::BleServiceWifiScanner(BLEServer*)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMake Error at .scripts/LinkScript.cmake:286 (message):
Linking arc003-2 failed!!!
mingw32-make.exe[7]: *** [arc003-2.elf] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[6]: *** [CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[5]: *** [CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/rule] Error 2
CMakeFiles\arc003-2.dir\build.make:89: recipe for target 'arc003-2.elf' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:116: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/all' failed
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:123: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/arc003-2.dir/rule' failed
Makefile:130: recipe for target 'arc003-2' failed
mingw32-make.exe[4]: *** [arc003-2] Error 2
CMake Error at .scripts/upload.cmake:153 (message):
*** upload for 'arc003-2' failed!
Call Stack (most recent call first):
.scripts/upload.cmake:325 (_build_and_resolve_target)
#include "modules/ble/services/wifi/ble_wifi_services.h"
#include "ble_wifi_services.h"
(when I do it this way the IDE does not find the h file but I'm concerned this is becuase it isn't linking).cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
project(arc003-2 CXX)
# app
add_executable(arc003-2 arc003-2.cpp)
target_link_arduino_libraries(arc003-2 AUTO_PRIVATE)
# This is needed for the generation of HEX binary and uploading it
# drivers
# modules
# modules/ble/services/wifi
add_executable(ble_wifi_service modules/ble/services/wifi/ble_wifi_services.h modules/ble/services/wifi/ble_wifi_services.cpp)
target_link_arduino_libraries(ble_wifi_service AUTO_INTERFACE modules/ble/services/wifi/ble_wifi_services.h AUTO_PRIVATE)
Firstly, thank you for this amazing tool.
Secondly, I have just worked my way through getting this working and I would like to add a little feedback that will make the instructions easier for someone who is potentially inexperienced to follow: