aBothe / Mono-D

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Display static constraint in tooltip for templated methods #531

Closed Orvid closed 10 years ago

Orvid commented 10 years ago

Currently a templated method with a static constraint (my name for the if (isNumeric!T) that can follow a declaration, no idea if that's what it's actually called) doesn't show that constraint in the tooltip. This can make it difficult at times to determine if a templated method actually has an overload that accepts the arguments you want to pass it. To solve this I propose that the constraint be displayed as well.

aBothe commented 10 years ago

What if there are too many constraints?..but..well yeah

Orvid commented 10 years ago

A good question, and I wish I knew an answer to it.... Perhaps cut it off after so many characters (however many characters fit in 2 lines?) and make it clear to the user that the constraint was trimmed down?