aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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Build failed. Input string was not in the correct format #548

Open ohenley opened 9 years ago

ohenley commented 9 years ago


I'm using the D language binding 2.4.12 (upgraded to 2.5 same thing) for MonoDevelop 5.7 on Debian Wheezy and on every compile, after linking completion I get:

"Build failed. Input string was not in the correct format Build: 1 error, 0 warnings".

Any idea about what's wrong with my setup? The generated bin works but a debug session won't launch...


p.s: your work is terrific btw. :)

aBothe commented 9 years ago

Could you dump me the build log? You can open the build log by clicking on the right-most button in the error log.

aBothe commented 9 years ago

"p.s: your work is terrific btw." -- No report(s), no improvement :P

There furthermore is no specialized D debugging support atm available.

ohenley commented 9 years ago

Building: deejaa_server (Default) Performing main compilation... dub build "deejaa_server" --force "--build=plain" p11-kit: invalid config filename, will be ignored in the future: /etc/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring-module WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/lolie/.cache/keyring-h4djka/pkcs11: No such file or directory p11-kit: skipping module 'gnome-keyring-module' whose initialization failed: An error occurred on the device Building package deejaa_server in /home/lolie/Desktop/deejaa/deejaa_server/ Package vibe-d can be upgraded from 0.7.21-rc.2 to 0.7.21-rc.3. Package userman can be upgraded from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1. Use "dub upgrade" to perform those changes. Building vibe-d 0.7.21-rc.2 configuration "libevent", build type plain. Running dmd... Building userman 0.2.0 configuration "library", build type plain. Running dmd... ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/controller.d(77): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.generateSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. Compiling diet template 'userman.mail.invitation.dt' (compat)... Compiling diet template 'userman.mail.activation.dt' (compat)... Compiling diet template 'userman.mail.reset_password.dt' (compat)... ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/controller.d(206): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.generateSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/mongocontroller.d(129): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.generateSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/rediscontroller.d(281): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.generateSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/web.d(56): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.generateSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. Compiling diet template 'userman.login.dt'... ../../../.dub/packages/userman-0.2.0/source/userman/web.d(239): Deprecation: function vibe.crypto.passwordhash.testSimplePasswordHash is deprecated - This function is considered insecure and will be removed. The DUB packages dauth or scrypt may be suitable alternatives. Compiling diet template 'userman.logout.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.register.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.register_activate.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.resend_activation.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.resend_activation_done.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.activate.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.forgot_login.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.forgot_login_sent.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.reset_password.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.reset_password_done.dt'... Compiling diet template 'userman.profile.dt'... Serializing composite type Empty which has no serializable fields Building deejaa_server ~master configuration "application", build type plain. Compiling using dmd... Compiling diet template 'deejaa.dt' (compat)... Linking...

---------------------- Done ----------------------

Build failed. Input string was not in the correct format Build: 1 error, 0 warnings

... yeah I know not much. :/

aBothe commented 9 years ago

So when executing the same dub build "deejaa_server" --force "--build=plain" command via console, it's running properly,right? Hmm.

ohenley commented 9 years ago

yep, everything is perfecto.

ohenley commented 9 years ago

Out of curiosity I built tkd and got the same error report.

aBothe commented 9 years ago

Are you building the project or trying to launch it via the Play button? Try just to build the project then, without running/debugging it

ohenley commented 9 years ago

No, I'm using F8 or Ctrl+F8. No running/debugging per se. When I need to, I attach manually to the deejaa_server process that I launched on console.