aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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Auto-Complete Failure in specific scenario #622

Open default0 opened 8 years ago

default0 commented 8 years ago

Most minimal repro I could create:

template T()
    struct S
        int a, b, c;
    static void print(S[] p_args...)
        foreach(S cur; p_args)

If you put the cursor where the | is (after cur) and hit . the members of S will not appear in the completion list. Changing print to be non-static or moving the code outside the template fixes the problem.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Nice okay, this completion case should be reproducable and even unit-testable. Gonna care about this. Thanks for the report! :)

default0 commented 8 years ago

There are various other corner cases I encountered where intellisense or rename-refactoring behave oddly, should I create similar reports as I encouter them in the future (might be a bunch of things, though)?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Yes please!