aBothe / Mono-D

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Support dub's new dub.sdl project format #626

Open PetarKirov opened 8 years ago

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

Now .sdl is the default format for new projects generated by dub init.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Is there any rational decision behind enabling sdl? They might have discussed this on the forums or in irc, but I haven't read any of it

etcimon commented 8 years ago

It was mostly about having comment support without using a json subset

aBothe commented 8 years ago

& a less strict language syntax. Okay, makes sense.

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

@aBothe Here and especially here you can read more about the decision to go with SDL.

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

any ETA on this ?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Okay, so I put a hand on this.. I think today + some hotfixes tomorrow.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Finished a first approach for the sdl parser. Let's see :)

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

Is this in a mono-d release already ?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Not yet..I'm just too lazy and underpriorizing mono-d development currently :/

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Now it's been established. Huge sorry for all the time I didn't do anything.