aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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Debuging under windows #638

Closed Rikarin closed 8 years ago

Rikarin commented 8 years ago

I cannot start debugging under windows. Why I cannot use windbg as a main debugger in XS? I can easily debug my app with visual studio. Its little annoying when I always must switch from XS to VS when I wanna debug couple lines of code.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Hi there, debugging is not supported on Windows, neither or only partwise on Linux. There has been support for debugging D programs some time ago, but then there rose issues with C++/CLI compatibility, VC++ redistributables and the interfaces between Microsoft's DbgEngine and MonoDevelop/XamarinStudio, so I got fed up with that and discontinued it. Atm I'm too lazy to do anything about this + now that there's VisualD's support, I don't want to do reinvent the wheel.