aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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xamarin 6.0 not supported #648

Open extrawurst opened 8 years ago

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

today i got an xamarin update (6.0 build 4520) and mono-d is nowhere to be found suddenly

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Did they really release 6.0? For now, I'd recommed to downgrade XS, as I have to release MD for 6.0 dediactedly.

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

is there a way to downgrade XS from the IDE ? The website xamarin.com seems to only allow downloads if you register for that piece of crap...

etcimon commented 8 years ago

I don't upgrade without backing up previous versions, I've been screwed too many times. Here it is


extrawurst commented 8 years ago

@etcimon you are great!! you do not happen to have the osx version too ? :P

etcimon commented 8 years ago


aBothe commented 8 years ago

soo.. I may continue de-bugging mono-d without getting cold sweat about inconsistent version bumps?

etcimon commented 8 years ago

I won't upgrade to 6.0 until mono-d is 4-5 versions into stable support for it :)

aBothe commented 8 years ago

well fortunately, it's not about broken APIs but just about silly dependency constraints this time. (As I had a local build for MD 6.0 back some..months ago :fried_shrimp:) https://github.com/aBothe/Mono-D/tree/md60

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

@etcimon really freaking awesome, thanks the dmg was exactly what i was looking for!

aBothe commented 8 years ago

As long as Xamarin won't release its 6.X version as stable, there's no new API-bumped Mono-D version coming out. Quite ridiculous, or should I dismiss that stubborn policy and screw some users? :P

Orvid commented 8 years ago

I though Mono-D had only ever been tested on the latest alphas, or did that change recently?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

I guess the history just repeats itself like when I switched from MonoDevelop 4.x to 5.x ..still the same ugly mess, also with distributions in Linux-repos - they all will likely just provide the 5.10 release, and until 6.0 is finally getting released, the maintainers will have stopped actually maintaining them. Interesting cycle, imho

aBothe commented 8 years ago

In theory, yes. It's been like a year-long (at very least) "Beta" phase now whereas XS mostly runs bugfree (regarding the majority of features Mono-D uses, not sure about the Android bindings). Back then, I tended to recommend users to ignore the 'stable' version and head on the bleeding edge (which wasn't that bloody after all) Now there isn't even a monodevelop package in the AUR anymore, not bad. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=monodevelop

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Okay, got some news. After having finally rebuilt MD 6.1 from the git master and having updated all referenced dlls, this is what comes up. That's a little effort needed to get it at least starting again :/ bildschirmfoto_2016-05-10_20-57-10

extrawurst commented 8 years ago

just 186 errors ? so it will take a day huh ?

zunkree commented 8 years ago

Any news?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

I'm on it, although it's very slow progress. Can't find time to take huge steps at once anymore.

ZILtoid1991 commented 8 years ago

Is there any news? I'm currently without any kind of IDE thanks to the recent update and the fact that a lot of dlangide has no official compiled versions.

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

Linux users can find version 5.10 here: http://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian/pool/main/m/monodevelop/monodevelop_5.10.0.871-0xamarin2_all.deb

etcimon commented 8 years ago

Okay, got some news. After having finally rebuilt MD 6.1 from the git master and having updated all referenced dlls, this is what comes up. That's a little effort needed to get it at least starting again :/

Why not just block it at MD 5.10 for a while. Just fork a custom version of it and remove the auto update, focus on making the mono-d plugin "just work" with a custom package for each OS. No need to try catching a falling knife, it works great on 5.10 and that's all I really care about.

Orvid commented 8 years ago

The reason why not to is because it would mean we aren't supporting the latest (and easiest to install) version of MonoDevelop.

nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

Also, Microsoft has bought out Xamarin. I'm guessing this means that there will be many changes in the short term. But given the importance that Microsoft places on backward compatibility, I'm hoping things will stabilize at some point. This is just a guess though. I'm not sure how much actual involvement MS has in the project.

etcimon commented 8 years ago

Would it be difficult to port this to intellij for instance? Things seem more stable over there

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

You mean like rewriting the whole codebase in Java? Please no.

etcimon commented 8 years ago

Yeah I was thinking it could be wrapped but I assume by your answer that it can't.. =)

Orvid commented 8 years ago

Well, Visual D already uses Mono-D remotely to provide its auto-completion so it wouldn't be terrible, but the lexer and all the interaction with the IDE itself would still need to be written for IntelliJ.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Hey there, I'm pretty sure that I won't accomplish many things over here anymore. Rewriting Mono-D or at least reusing parts of the D_Parser for some Visual Studio Code extension or some other smallish IDE might make things easier for sure, though.

etcimon commented 8 years ago

Hey there, I'm pretty sure that I won't accomplish many things over here anymore.

Is that a resignation? :-o

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Considering my lack of motivation to put hands on things on a regular basis after work, sort of, yes. Despite that, @NightmareX1337 approached me on whether he might continue development, or at least do some active support. I'll be there to answer questions, merge things and provide little code support.

etcimon commented 8 years ago

Okay, just want to say thanks for the good work you put in, this is some very professional tooling and the user experience is top notch.

ikod commented 8 years ago

Hello, today received notification from Xamarin update that D Language Binding 2.14.5 ready. Is it compatible with Xamarin 6.0?

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

@ikod No not yet. Actually, don't expect it to be done before end of the summer. (And also Xamarin 6 shouldn't even show notification about it since Mono-D clearly targets version 5)

ZILtoid1991 commented 8 years ago

Can we have some update on the porting to Version 6?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

There's no update from my side, sry. No time and such & dozens of lame excuses. What about @NightmareX1337 ?

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

I got my university started this week, and I was on vacation before so... Things are quite busy these days and I apologize for the inconvenience.

@aBothe P.S. It doesn't hurt checking gitter chat at least once a week ;)

njasm commented 7 years ago

no one will give it a go? :\

ZILtoid1991 commented 7 years ago

I might help out in it once I get through my finals.

ZILtoid1991 commented 7 years ago

My finals are over, I can help in developing the new version if needed.

aBothe commented 7 years ago

Hey there, thanks for your offer - I might even say that I can find some motivation to start again. This time, under the meta-goal of writing proper code & architectures - I've got to admit that my permanent hacking and inconsistent way of working out things wasn't that pretty back then, though stuff tended to perform well sometimes, afaik 😏

I'd like to evaluate on which architecture we may base stuff upon. SOA & hackerpilot's local REST interop attempt? (Is there a defined protocol somewhere?) Or at first, as a migration attempt, adopt a new version of Mono-D to the existing version/API of D_Parser, then shrink all sorts of API to a REST-able state machine & then go service-oriented? I probably need an update on D's environment first..didn't get in touch with it for a year now or so ☹️

What do you & others think?

nicolasjinchereau commented 7 years ago

The most recent version seemed more or less stable to me. Is it really so much of a maintenance burden that it should be totally overhauled? I would be happy to have it back in the state it was in before Xamarin broke it.

aBothe commented 7 years ago

Okay, well, @ZILtoid1991, there's an md61 branch of Mono-D. As the MonoDevelop API has changed vastly, quite everything from the editor support to the project management + build support has to be redone. A start has been made.

jpf91 commented 7 years ago

I'd like to evaluate on which architecture we may base stuff upon. SOA & hackerpilot's local REST interop attempt? (Is there a defined protocol somewhere?) Or at first, as a migration attempt, adopt a new version of Mono-D to the existing version/API of D_Parser, then shrink all sorts of API to a REST-able state machine & then go service-oriented? I probably need an update on D's environment first..didn't get in touch with it for a year now or so ☹️

Have you heard of Microsoft & Redhat's 'Language Server Protocol'? https://forum.dlang.org/post/fcgfyhfsddkaguqnqcmu@forum.dlang.org https://www.redhat.com/de/about/press-releases/red-hat-codenvy-and-microsoft-collaborate-language-server-protocol It's already supported in Gnome Builder, VS Code and Eclipse: https://github.com/Microsoft/language-server-protocol/wiki/Protocol-Implementations and as Microsoft owns Xamarin I'd expect Xamarin Studio / MonoDevelop to add support as well (It might be better to ask whether there are any plans for support on some Xamarin Mailing list though). So I think a joined approach to merge Dscanner, workspace-d and MonoD into a Language Server and then use this Language Server in MonoDevelop, Gnome Builder and VS Code would be the best approach. Though if Xamarin doesn't write MonoDevelop support this would have to be done in the MonoD extension. OTOH this is still better then inventing a custom RPC format.

ZILtoid1991 commented 7 years ago

I probably need an update on D's environment first..didn't get in touch with it for a year now or so

Nothing major happened other than a few deprecated functions, removed deprecated functions, etc. The main changes are in the standard library, a few experimental stuff getting promoted soon, the original XML parser got deprecated, etc.

aBothe commented 7 years ago

language-server-protocol looks nice. Still, the surroundings are required to be done, too (projecting, building, debugging, ide configuration, fancy features like diff-based highlighting).

ZILtoid1991 commented 7 years ago

I'm getting a little problem. I need the old Xamarin (5.10) as I'm using it for software development in D, but would need the newest one for helping out. Is there a solution for installing two instances of Xamarin on the same OS or which Linux distro I should install on a virtual machine?

Kozzi11 commented 7 years ago

@ZILtoid1991 you can use flatpak packages for that, I have using this for some time. On my arch I have monodevelop 5 and monodevelop 6 as flatpak package

calexHG commented 7 years ago

tbh IntelliJ Editor is 1000000x superior to MonoDevelop

@RUSshy Given your opinion, you probably have quite a bit to look forward to in the not-too-distant future. I know of two IntelliJ Platform-based projects, but most notably: I know that one of them shares Alexander Bothe's admirable level of ambition & quality goals and is being worked on full-time.

ZILtoid1991 commented 7 years ago

After getting constant memory leaks while trying to compile anything, I decided to ditch Xamarin 5 from my Windows and installed 6.1 instead, still looking for some IDE replacement for the meanwhile (still haven't settled down with anything, Visual D has a problem with renaming folders). I'm studying the code, then I start to work on it soon.

AntonOks commented 7 years ago

think this here will go nowhere... again another of my "key tool's" went dead-end because of a former "one man show" and later "lack of interest"... to common scenario in the dlang universe :(

Xamarin de-installed on all my Windows and Linux systems... I've switched to "visual studio code" recently :| let's see how log that one will get some love....

bye and nevertheless big thanks @aBothe

etcimon commented 7 years ago

I still use Xamarin 5 + Mono-D regularly, it'll work fine if you don't try to debug through it or use it to compile. I really don't think there's any resolver quite as snappy, correct me if I'm wrong.