aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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Configuration Error: Compiler is not properly called #649

Closed L0g4n closed 8 years ago

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

Hi Guys,

tried Mono-D today for the first time. So I wanted to compile a sample project, but out of the build output I realized that the Compiler is not properly called. It just calls the compiler with dmd -debug but not with the files as arguments that have to be compiled. So I think this is just a config error, so how can I set up this properly ?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Hi, is it? I haven't tested the native mono-d project support for ages, all I recently was up to was to support dub and all its features. So, I'd recommend getting your hands on dub and its infrastructure, then using mono-d on top of dub.

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

Hi, how can I do that ? Is there a addin for dub in XS ? I just began to work with the D programming language so I only know that DUB is smt. like Maven for java.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

well, mono-d is actually able to handle dub.json or dub.sdl files as project files and thus can open them like normal projects (read-only by design though).

All you may do is to

Note though that there's no proper debugging functionality built in mono-d atm, pretty much due to my lazyness and economic proportioning of my spare time :stuck_out_tongue: Still, there's Visual D and gdb on linux.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Still, if you like coding for D in like C#, just take a look on Mono-D's source code. The parser and code completion resolution part is somewhat magic :)

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

OK, made that so far. But compiling through the IDE still does not work. Error Message: "The invoked target caused an exception.". And when I click on the "Code" tab in XS, there are the comments: "// No matching .lst-file found! // Build & execute your project with e.g. dmd's -cov flag set!"

aBothe commented 8 years ago

"The invoked target caused an exception" -- this is strange. On which OS are you working?

The 'dmd -cov' thing is for code coverage highlighting purposes and purely optional, so not related to the current problem.

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

I'm currently on Windows 10.

aBothe commented 8 years ago

For me, building & executing a dummy dub project works flawlessly. Hmm. There's a build log that can be displayed and there are logs that can be read in order to get the error message. Dub can be accessed via %PATH%, right? 2016-03-08 20_41_57-myprj - source_app d - xamarin studio

2016-03-08 20_41_11-fotos

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

Hi, yeah dub directory is in the PATH variable. I think this is the suitable exception message: http://pastebin.com/Cjv02Bn3

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Weird issue, never had this before. Oh boy.

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

That does not sound good. Is it an error I can fix by myself ?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Please activate the D Profiler pad for once, then we'll see if it crashes again - as its GUI constructor might be corrupted by some magic side effects. 2016-03-08 22_08_24-myprj - source_app d - xamarin studio

L0g4n commented 8 years ago

Hey, surprisingly it works now flawlessly. So do I have to enable the D Profiler every tme again ?

aBothe commented 8 years ago

Just leave it open as some pad in the background - it'll be opened on the next launch of XS.