aBothe / Mono-D

D Add-In for MonoDevelop
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Mono-D not available/working for Xamarin Studio Community 6.1 #656

Closed nicolasjinchereau closed 8 years ago

nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

I was sure I had Mono-D installed..but it seems to have disappeared. I don't see it in the gallery either(no language binding category at all). XS seems to be in total chaos lately, so it's entirely possible there is nothing wrong with Mono-D, but XS also could have broken compatibility.

nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

When I tried to build Mono-D and install it myself, I got this:

required: MonoDevelop.Ide,5.0, found: MonoDevelop.Ide,6.1 required: MonoDevelop.Core,5.0, found: MonoDevelop.Core,6.1

So I updated the dependancies, and it seems a lot has changed. For example, 'ILanguageBinding' is now 'LanguageBinding':


nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

So I guess this is a duplicate? https://github.com/aBothe/Mono-D/issues/648

I was sure I had Mono-D working with Xamarin Studio Community at some point.

If you're already working on this, I will close this. Thanks

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

You're right, Xamarin Studio (and MonoDevelop) have seamlessly broken it's API, in a way that we think it's probably better to rewrite it, 'cause that's gonna happen anyway. (API breakage is ridiculously big)

nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

Not sure I understand. Do you mean that you guys aren't going to update because they make too many breaking changes? I'm confused because I based on the current state of XS, I don't see a second option beside heavy duty rewrite.

ahmetsait commented 8 years ago

We're either going to rewrite (let's hope we can handle it) or we will do our best to migrate existing code base to work with the new API. I was just saying since API breakage is high, a fresh write might be better.

nicolasjinchereau commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks

etcimon commented 8 years ago

We're either going to rewrite (let's hope we can handle it) or we will do our best to migrate existing code base to work with the new API. I was just saying since API breakage is high, a fresh write might be better.

Don't. It's a waste of time, the team behind MonoDevelop obviously doesn't care about breaking everything repeatedly. I would suggest porting it to Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ if you absolutely itch to do major changes. Until then, I'd focus on making Mono-D & MonoDevelop 5.10 easier to setup for new users, as there is no more valid installation instructions.

edit: Looks like monodevelop.com still packs MD 5.10, so never mind the lack of installation instructions