aBothe / Mono-D

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Bugs on extra compiler option #662

Open ekowahyudin opened 7 years ago

ekowahyudin commented 7 years ago

if we select project->options->compiling->compiling->extra compiler option add compiler option on it. I got error

ERROR [2017-03-21 06:17:08Z]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at MonoDevelop.D.Building.ProjectBuilder.GenAdditionalAttributes (MonoDevelop.D.Building.DCompilerConfiguration compiler, MonoDevelop.D.Projects.DProjectConfiguration cfg) [0x00108] in <55b1f005436b4af48a8009da822117c9>:0 at MonoDevelop.D.Building.ProjectBuilder.BuildOneStepBuildString (MonoDevelop.D.Projects.DProject prj, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] builtObjects, MonoDevelop.Projects.ConfigurationSelector sel) [0x00022] in <55b1f005436b4af48a8009da822117c9>:0

please see ProjectBuilder.cs

        if (cfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers != null && cfg.CustomVersionIdentifiers.Length != 0)
            foreach (var id in cfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers)
                sb.Append (p.DebugDefinition + "=" + id + " ");

cfg.CustomVersionIdentifiers.Length it should be cfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers.Length isn't it?