aBothe / Mono-D

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indentation of multiline string literal concatenation #663

Open kunftep opened 6 years ago

kunftep commented 6 years ago

pasting/formatting the following code creates odd indentation, as shown here:

string sql = "select " ~ 
    "p1.phrase as phrase1 " ~ 
        ", p2.phrase as phrase2 " ~ 
        "from phrase as p1, phrase as p2, translation as t " ~ 
        "where t.phrase1_id = p1.id and t.phrase2_id = p2.id";

shouldn't line 2 - 5 have all one and the same level of indentation like this:

string sql = "select " ~ 
    "p1.phrase as phrase1 " ~ 
    ", p2.phrase as phrase2 " ~ 
    "from phrase as p1, phrase as p2, translation as t " ~ 
    "where t.phrase1_id = p1.id and t.phrase2_id = p2.id";