aCiotola / ReservationSys

Software Dev 3 - Assignment
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Part III –Creating a Façade to the business layer: HotelManager interface (code provided) #17

Closed aCiotola closed 7 years ago

aCiotola commented 7 years ago

To order to make it easier to interact with the various system components we will make use of the Façade Design Pattern. A façade is an object that provides a unified interface to the set of component interfaces in the system; hence, it prevents tight coupling between the client and the system components. This way the client merely interacts with one interface without knowing any of the other system components (i.e. the DAO objects, the AllocationPolicy objects, etc.)

The Hotel façade concrete class (coded in Part IV) must implement the following HotelManager interface that must be added to the package (code also in S:\CompSci\317\ReservationSys\code).


import; import; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional;

import; import*;

public interface HotelManager extends Serializable {

 * Cancels a given reservation
 * @param reservation
 * @throws NonExistingReservationException
void cancelReservation(Reservation reservation)
        throws NonExistingReservationException;
 * Saves all data, clears expired reservations and closes the hotel.
 * @throws IOException
 *             If there is a problem closing the hotel files.
void closeHotel() throws IOException;

 * Creates and adds a reservation for a customer.
 * @param customer The given customer
 * @param checkin   The requested check in date
 * @param checkout  The requested check out date
 * @param roomType  The requested room type
 * @return The Reservation if possible
Optional<Reservation> createReservation(Customer customer, LocalDate checkin, LocalDate checkout, RoomType roomType);

 * Finds and returns a customer record.
 * @param email  The customer's e-mail address
 * @return Customer object
 * @throws NonExistingCustomerException
 *         if the customer with the given e-mail cannot be found
Customer findCustomer(String email)
        throws NonExistingCustomerException;

 * Finds all reservations made by a customer
 * @param customer
 * @return List of Reservations. Returns empty list if no reservations can be found.
List<Reservation> findReservations(Customer customer);

 * Registers a new Customer
 * @param firstName
 * @param lastName
 * @param email
 * @return The Customer object
 * @throws DuplicateCustomerException is a customer with same e-mail address exists
Customer registerCustomer(String firstName, String lastName, String email)
        throws DuplicateCustomerException;

 * Adds or updates the credit card associate with a customer.
 * @param email The email address of the customer
 * @param cardType
 * @param cardnumber
 * @return the updated Customer
 * @throws NonExistingCustomerException
 *         if the customer with the given e-mail cannot be found
Customer updateCreditCard(String email, String cardType, 

String cardnumber) throws NonExistingCustomerException;

aCiotola commented 7 years ago

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