aDotInTheVoid / skate

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Flesh out test suite + BinOp #27

Closed aDotInTheVoid closed 3 years ago

aDotInTheVoid commented 3 years ago

macro_rules! match_num_op {(
        $name:path => $op:tt
    ),* $(,)?
) => (
    match $scrutinee {
            ($name, Int(l), Int(r)) => Int(l $op r),
        (o, l, r) => panic!("Unknown binop {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", l, o, r),

pub fn binop(l: Value, o: BinOp, r: Value) -> Value {
    use Value::*;

    match_num_op! {
        (o, l, r),
        BinOp::Plus => +,
        BinOp::Times => *,
aDotInTheVoid commented 3 years ago

We have binops, now we need tests