aMarcireau / origami

An application to visualize scholar articles as an interactive graph
MIT License
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Discover cited papers #59

Open Nanoseb opened 5 years ago

Nanoseb commented 5 years ago

Hi again, I've seen in an older issue that you were planning on gathering cited papers and not only cited-by papers (#3). Is this still in plan?

From what I understood the main concern at the time was the lack of source to get this information. But it seems that in the mean time crossref has added this field (for some of their papers), otherwise scopus API also has it (



aMarcireau commented 5 years ago

That's good news! Besides retrieving citees, it opens the way for siblings scrapping (citers' citees, citees' citers, and so on with arbitrary depth).

A bit of code refactoring is required to integrate the feature, though.