aNullValue / ngccs

The Next-gen Conference Communication Solution seeks to improve conference-related data sharing and attendee user-experience.
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Schedule-view filtering by location/type #29

Closed aNullValue closed 1 year ago

aNullValue commented 4 years ago

"Schedule views" should be enhanced such that users are able to see what's upcoming for them, in locations that they prefer in the moment. For example, at DC27 (and potentially DC29), there was a loud and repeated feature request for users to be able to filter to only events that are happening in the hotel where they happen to be standing, or maybe one hotel over -- they can't spend 30 minutes walking to a talk that will begin in 10 minutes. Also, if a conference is being held physically, but is also being streamed, users should be able to filter so that they can see only the talks that they're able to actually consume (such as GSM, DECT, IP audio, IP video, etc., streams).