Open The-Funk opened 5 years ago
I think I have the problem that, my POJO does not work with bind properly. I have setters and getters matching the POJO field names, and the :fields, and when the attributes are set to private, it just gives sql null values.
I can't seem to use .bind(myObj) to update the myObjs table. All of my POJOs data members have the same exact names as their corresponding SQL Server database fields. The POJO I'm using has private data members and public get/set functions.
If I set each parameter individually with .addParameter() this works fine. Can .bind() not access private data members via public getter functions?
None of my function or field names start with "is". All of the "get" function names start with the word get followed by the name of the database field/POJO-private-data-member exactly as they are typed. For instance a DB field called Active corresponds to a private data member called Active which is accessible via a public method called getActive().
Is there a way to troubleshoot bind?