aachar5 / 3rdassignment

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QBO composite definition #4

Open pdirmeyer opened 1 year ago

pdirmeyer commented 1 year ago

Given the range for QBO index values, is ±1 a good choice for neutral's boundaries? You should probably aim for a threshold that makes the groups nearly equal in size, or that emphasizes extreme values (positive and negative) for QBO.

aachar5 commented 1 year ago

As QBO is the oscillatory behavior of the stratospheric winds to oscillate in between easterly and westerly there is no neutral for this index. Also, to have a neutral condition there must be zeros in my data that are not there. So I only have negative values for westerly and positive values for easterly. The correction has been done by defining the index according to this.

pdirmeyer commented 1 year ago

This is much better - your Jupyter notebook is much cleaner, better organized, and easier to follow.

In your final plot - the choice of clevs leaves only faint colors. You should reduce the range of contours to match the range temperature anomalies. comp_temp.max() and comp_temp.min() will tell you the extreme values in the data, which can inform your choice for clevs.