aadeshkulkarni / sanchay-ai-frontend

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[Validation] Validate project name and video url. #4

Open theprogrammerinyou opened 8 months ago

theprogrammerinyou commented 8 months ago

Validation must be done for video URL and project name and the error must be shown to user to generate thumbnail, transcription or subscripts.

aadeshkulkarni commented 8 months ago

Yes, I've added it as TODO in the code. But before adding validation, need to pick a toast/notification library that's lightweight and has good support. Alternatively, can be implemented within the project as well.

theprogrammerinyou commented 8 months ago

There a couple, cogo-toast, react-toastify.React toasty is good, its well updated. You can check that.

aadeshkulkarni commented 8 months ago

Alright. Let's go ahead with React-Toastify https://fkhadra.github.io/react-toastify/introduction

Whoever picks this up, Validations needed:

  1. Project name
  2. Video URL (Regex check to see if it's a valid url)
  3. Atleast 1 of the 3 checkboxes should be true

If all of the above valid, allow API call. Else, show toast notification.

theprogrammerinyou commented 8 months ago

Can i pick this up?

aadeshkulkarni commented 8 months ago
