Business plans will have the components of Company Name (1.A), Long-Term Vision Statement (1.B) as well as a discussion of Strategy (1.C.1 and 1.C.2) but may not typically include a discussion of ethics and how potential ethical impacts/issues/pitfalls that the company in the pursuit of its vision may encounter. You are going to create an "Ethical Business Plan" which does address ethical issues (see items 1.C.3 and 1.C.4 below). Item1's GitHub wiki page should include all of the following named sections and subsections (please keep these section/sub-section names exactly to facilitate peer reviewing).
A. Company Name of Fictitious Company (make it a name you would like --treat this like a real startup). Remember this must be a tech company.
B. Long-Term Vision Statement - write in full paragraphs not bullets a statement that addresses each of the questions below.
Goals: what are the goals?
Idea Origination: where did your idea come from ( a class, a job, a need)?
Purpose/Values/Mission: what is the purpose, values, and mission?
Key Questions: List 2 or 3 key questions that will guide the startup's choices. These should be essential questions that serve as touchstones to direct your company's efforts. For instance, how can the startup have an impact? What engages our passions?
C. Strategy with Ethical Impacts AND Ethical Safeguards: for the next 3 to 5 years you will create a list of OKRs w/ metrics AND also evaluate each in terms of potential ethical impacts/issues. You should have a minimum of 3 ORKs
C.1 : OKRs: key milestones/checkpoints described by OKRs (read here about OKRS w/ Examples) as it relates to the tech product/service your company will offer.
C.2: Metrics: how to measure success metrics/measurables on EACH of your OKRs for your company. Read here about OKRs and Examples -- note Later in Item 4 you will describe experiments you will create to measure the success of your OKRs. It is important to have metrics for each OKR as this helps to functionalize and define what you mean by your OKR and can also help you develop your ideas for C.3 and C.4 below. Your metrics must be explicit. For example, you can NOT say just "customer acceptance". What does this mean? How will you measure this? A better metric would be "customer acceptance measured as the average score from a customer satisfaction survey (range 0% to 100%).
C.3: Ethical Impact(s)/Issue(s). For each OKR discuss the ethical impact/issues that can arise related to this outcome for your entrepreneur startup. Example: you are developing technology to monitor at-home stroke patients and you are using cameras and machine learning to monitor the patient's facial changes. EX1: One potential OKR would be to achieve 99% accuracy with the machine learning model. What are the ethical impacts -one would be that the data collected was too narrow or simple to achieve higher accuracy. For instance, the data may be biased and only taken from young subjects. This is unethical as it could mean in use that older subjects will not have the same accuracy as what is reported. EX2:Another OKR could be to have 80% user acceptance based on the average score of a user survey given to 100 customers. This could be interpreted as having the potential ethical issue of not collecting enough customer data or again some kind of bias in the selected customers (say customers with technical backgrounds that are comfortable with using technical systems) which could lead to skewed metric data
C.4: Ethical Safeguards. For each OKR and its Ethical Impact(s)/Issue(s) you are to develop safeguards on how to avoid or reduce the ethical impacts. EX1: Following the example given in D.3 one way to safeguard against inadequate data collection would be to require a minimum number of data samples from every demographic (in this case age, you could set up age brackets of every 10 years and require a minimum of 1000 samples for each age bracket). EX2:In this example (user acceptance), again a larger number of customers and specifying a distribution of customers based on technical savvy (and other demographics) could be performed to alleviate reporting skewed metrics(you should go into detail about how this distribution is formed).
Item 1: Ethical Business Plan (minimum 500 words)
Business plans will have the components of Company Name (1.A), Long-Term Vision Statement (1.B) as well as a discussion of Strategy (1.C.1 and 1.C.2) but may not typically include a discussion of ethics and how potential ethical impacts/issues/pitfalls that the company in the pursuit of its vision may encounter. You are going to create an "Ethical Business Plan" which does address ethical issues (see items 1.C.3 and 1.C.4 below). Item1's GitHub wiki page should include all of the following named sections and subsections (please keep these section/sub-section names exactly to facilitate peer reviewing).
A. Company Name of Fictitious Company (make it a name you would like --treat this like a real startup). Remember this must be a tech company.
B. Long-Term Vision Statement - write in full paragraphs not bullets a statement that addresses each of the questions below.
C. Strategy with Ethical Impacts AND Ethical Safeguards: for the next 3 to 5 years you will create a list of OKRs w/ metrics AND also evaluate each in terms of potential ethical impacts/issues. You should have a minimum of 3 ORKs