layered shoulds allow for use of boolean terms and operators while benefiting from multimatch. May want to reconsider query_string layering within a function in the future.
the flatQuery variable removes unused boolean and operators from the multimatch query. They shouldn't have been in there to begin with.
there's an additional problem that stems from elasticsearch_connector and search_api. They dictate the mapping of fields automatically, and they didn't correctly map field_event_end as a date. Until that field has been correctly mapped, most queries relying on the must_not logic in website queries will fail
layered shoulds allow for use of boolean terms and operators while benefiting from multimatch. May want to reconsider query_string layering within a function in the future.
the flatQuery variable removes unused boolean and operators from the multimatch query. They shouldn't have been in there to begin with.
there's an additional problem that stems from elasticsearch_connector and search_api. They dictate the mapping of fields automatically, and they didn't correctly map field_event_end as a date. Until that field has been correctly mapped, most queries relying on the must_not logic in website queries will fail