aadorian / HarmonyOne_Connext

Harmony One connection in Connext
MIT License
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fork Connext vector repo instead of copy paste #1

Open gupadhyaya opened 3 years ago

gupadhyaya commented 3 years ago

hi. thanks for your work on this. can you fork the https://github.com/connext/vector repo and apply your changes, so that it will be easier for us to evaluate the submission and also keep harmony repo upgradable with main repo changes. thanks. @aadorian

aadorian commented 3 years ago

Hi @gupadhyaya , the forked repo is in https://github.com/aadorian/vector.git and the accepted pull request merge is in https://github.com/connext/vector/pull/522#pullrequestreview-624569031 Thanks !!!

gupadhyaya commented 3 years ago

I see. can you create a demo of connext between harmony testnet and kovan? @aadorian thanks

aadorian commented 3 years ago

Hi @gupadhyaya I can do that for sure, but the last time I make a video, uploaded and did the PR https://github.com/harmony-one/harmony-box/pull/4 the Gitcoin bountry was inmediately close :( ( also 2 previous submitions were accepted that wont ever work because of the version of truffle they use). I understand that the idea of ​​the bounties and Hackatons is to bring developers in the ecosystem & community, and thats Ok :) . Thank you for answering questions regarding the platform and congrats for your work and dedication!! PD: truffle works fine with Harmony, the secret is using the version "@truffle/hdwallet-provider": "=1.2.2"