aadsm / jsmediatags

Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)
745 stars 128 forks source link

FYI - aab8bb0 broke my build pipeline - bower #125

Open dellagustin opened 4 years ago

dellagustin commented 4 years ago


Just wanted to inform you that https://github.com/aadsm/jsmediatags/commit/aab8bb0951f3b7c95aeb4a8e37b3f7e59b2c6653#diff-0a08a7565aba4405282251491979bb6b broke my build pipeline.

The culprit was the following line:

-    "!dist/jsmediatags.js"
+    "!dist/jsmediatags.min.js"

from my bower dependency file

 "jsmediatags": "^3.9.0",

I was a bit surprised, as you probably will be too, as I did not expect bower to use the current bower configuration file, but the one corresponding to that version.

anyway, I already found what to do to fix it, just wanted you to be informed of the unexpected side effect.

P.S.: Don't judge me for still using bower 😛 , I will eventually move on to npm.