aadsm / jsmediatags

Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)
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How to retrieve data from chapters? #42

Closed nmondon closed 7 years ago

nmondon commented 7 years ago


First, thank you for the lib and the documentation, it was really helpful! I'm trying to develop a browser side mp3 player (and to manage id3 v2.4.0 data to enhance the UX) but can't reach the data into chapters (we've provided pictures and titles):


My question is: is this a limitation of the lib or is there a way to reach these data? Maybe on overloading one of the MediaTagReader class?

(My repo is here: https://github.com/seracio/sound-player/blob/master/src/index.js)

aadsm commented 7 years ago

Chapters are not implemented yet. Here's the spec: http://id3.org/id3v2-chapters-1.0. It could become a nice little feature for someone who wants to start working on open source projects.

nmondon commented 7 years ago

Haha, thanks! I'll give it a try!

tom-sherman commented 7 years ago

Currently taking a crack at this, @hllwd how far did you get?

nmondon commented 7 years ago

Hi @tom-sherman, sorry, I finally did not try at all :shame

nmondon commented 7 years ago

But let me know if you want some help or at least some test (I have a file with chapters here: https://github.com/seracio/sound-player/blob/master/data/testpodcastfigtech-v2.mp3)

tom-sherman commented 7 years ago

@hllwd no problem, thanks for the test file! I'll keep you updated

aadsm commented 7 years ago

The latest version, 2.6.0, has now support for Chapters thanks to @nils!!