aadsm / jsmediatags

Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)
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Offset 110727 hasn't been loaded yet #49

Closed robtoll closed 7 years ago

robtoll commented 7 years ago

Hello! I've used jsmediatags successfully with many mp3 files, but some files don't return any tags. The files contain ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.3.0 tags. The 2.3.0 has an embedded image 500px x 500px. The tags are read successfully in Kid3, WinAmp, and on my Phone audio player.

The info attribute of the tag object says "Offset 110727 hasn't been loaded yet.".

I found this, but can't be sure it's the same issue... [https://github.com/aadsm/jsmediatags/issues/14]

Many thanks.


robtoll commented 7 years ago

More info.

It varies on each track... Object {type: "parseData", info: "Offset 110988 hasn't been loaded yet."} Object {type: "parseData", info: "Offset 110727 hasn't been loaded yet."} Object {type: "parseData", info: "Offset 112555 hasn't been loaded yet."} Object {type: "parseData", info: "Offset 110904 hasn't been loaded yet."}

No idea what the issue is. Any help is well appreciated. It's a personal project - not commercial!

aadsm commented 7 years ago

Can you give me a file that triggers this error? Also, which version are you using?

robtoll commented 7 years ago

Hi. Thanks for the reply. For the version number, I'm really not sure! There are no version numbers in any of the code! I've abandoned my mp3 project because I couldn't find anything to handle the id3 tags reliably in javascript.

But for your reference, here's a file that wouldn't work with artwork or tags...

[link removed - problem solved]


aadsm commented 7 years ago

Hey @robtoll, thanks for the example, I found the bug and fixed it. It was an issue with the unsynchronisation support implementation. This is now fixed in version 3.6.1.

robtoll commented 7 years ago

Excellent. Well done! I'll take a look