aadsm / jsmediatags

Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4, FLAC)
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Not able to read the ID3Tags from an S3 URL #53

Closed imadi closed 7 years ago

imadi commented 7 years ago

I tried reading ID3 from s3url (private) and I got this error

{ type: 'xhr', info: 'Unexpected HTTP status 403.', xhr: XMLHttpRequest { onloadstart: null, onprogress: null, onabort: null, onerror: [Function], onload: [Function], ontimeout: [Function], onloadend: null, _listeners: {}, onreadystatechange: null, _anonymous: undefined, readyState: 4, response: '', responseText: '', responseType: '', responseURL: 'https://test.s3.amazonaws.com/AUDIO/content_AUDIO_b3935c52-8270-6ffb-8962-6b223fccf7dd_2017-03-27_en-US.mp3?Expires=1648285340&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAISHV3ZSMOVZ3E2KQ&Signature=ddadadada%2FP81KZOKFOrXE2%2F%2BW0%3D', status: 403, statusText: 'Forbidden', timeout: 30000, upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload { onloadstart: null, onprogress: null, onabort: null, onerror: null, onload: null, ontimeout: null, onloadend: null, _listeners: {}, _request: [Circular], _contentType: null, _body: }, _method: 'HEAD', _url: Url { protocol: 'https:', slashes: true, auth: null, host: 'test.s3.amazonaws.com', port: null, hostname: 'test.s3.amazonaws.com', hash: null, search: '?Expires=1648285340&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAISHV3ZSMOVZ3E2KQ&Signature=ada%2FP81KZOKFOrXE2%2F%2BW0%3D', query: 'Expires=1648285340&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAISHV3ZSMOVZ3E2KQ&Signature=ad%2FP81KZOKFOrXE2%2F%2BW0%3D', pathname: '/AUDIO/content_AUDIO_b3935c52-8270-6ffb-8962-6b223fccf7dd_2017-03-27_en-US.mp3', path: '/AUDIO/content_AUDIO_b3935c52-8270-6ffb-8962-6b223fccf7dd_2017-03-27_en-US.mp3?Expires=1648285340&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAISHV3ZSMOVZ3E2KQ&Signature=XJomiVok5%2FP81KZOKFOrXE2%2F%2BW0%3D', href: 'https://airficsp.s3.amazonaws.com/AUDIO/content_AUDIO_b3935c52-8270-6ffb-8962-6b223fccf7dd_2017-03-27_en-US.mp3?Expires=1648285340&AWSAccessKeyId=jdhkdhadkjad&Signature=XJomiVok5%adad%2F%2BW0%3D' }, _sync: false, _headers: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'Sat, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', Connection: 'keep-alive', Host: 'airficsp.s3.amazonaws.com', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Darwin x64) node.js/4.6.0 v8/', 'Content-Length': '0' }, _loweredHeaders: { 'if-modified-since': 'If-Modified-Since' }, _mimeOverride: 'text/plain; charset=x-user-defined', _request: null, _response: null, _responseParts: null, _responseHeaders: { 'x-amz-request-id': 'CD7DE175689A1321', 'x-amz-id-2': 'gmYJnepCe2TQ5lsX11fn2CtQD1ip1YixGmcydmpalUL20AJiGn/6kNon7BN+oQFtBaJmez62Yy0=', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=x-user-defined', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', date: 'Mon, 27 Mar 2017 10:50:09 GMT', server: 'AmazonS3' }, _aborting: null, _error: null, _loadedBytes: 0, _totalBytes: 0, _lengthComputable: false } } :( xhr Unexpected HTTP status 403.

imadi commented 7 years ago

I tried in plain javascript also, but two calls are going to the url out of which first call is getting succeeded and the second one is failing image 2017-03-27 at 9 40 15 pm

icidasset commented 7 years ago

It's a bit of hassle to do this, because if you make a presigned Amazon-S3 url you need to provide the HTTP method, which is usually just 'GET'. But this request is a HEAD request, so you need to provide a different url for that.

Here's how I solved this issue: https://github.com/icidasset/ongaku-ryoho-v2/blob/master/src/workers/sources.js#L27

aadsm commented 7 years ago

@icidasset Thanks for helping out! @imadi HEAD requests are made to figure out the size of the file first, this is to prevent the library from having to download the entire file.

icidasset commented 7 years ago

Any time 😄

houbysoft commented 6 years ago

It seems this can also be fixed by:
