aagarwal1012 / Animated-Text-Kit

🔔 A flutter package to create cool and beautiful text animations. [Flutter Favorite Package]
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TypewriterAnimatedText Want new feature #292

Open MuneerAhamed01 opened 1 year ago

MuneerAhamed01 commented 1 year ago

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I want the different text style in the parameter text in the typewriteranimated text so will you consider the rich text as the parameter text so it will help to create different styles in the one word

BenjiFarquhar commented 1 year ago

I'd also like this feature (to use RichText / TextSpan in the AnimatedText text parameter). By chance, it's the TypewriterAnimatedText that I'd also like to use it with.

braj065 commented 1 year ago

Also is it possible to have the effect of writing a word and backspacing each character in the word one by one. Then writing new word character by character. Like the following progression WE ARE HONDA WE ARE HOND WE ARE HON WE ARE HO WE ARE H WE ARE WE ARE T WE ARE TR WE ARE TRU WE ARE TRUS WE ARE TRUST WE ARE TRUSTE WE ARE TRUSTED Also is it possible to have different cursor options.

rhcodeginix commented 1 year ago

any update on this