Hi, I'm Yashas this will be my first contribution.
I had a pretty cool idea when I was working on a todo app, I wanted to mark the task as done and strikethrough the text but there was no option to do so with an animation. I looked through various libraries but wasn't able to find a good one.
I have been using animated text kit for some time a now and thought of contributing to the library by adding a strike through animation.
Is anyone working on this? If not, may I contribute to this?
Hi, I'm Yashas this will be my first contribution.
I had a pretty cool idea when I was working on a todo app, I wanted to mark the task as done and strikethrough the text but there was no option to do so with an animation. I looked through various libraries but wasn't able to find a good one.
I have been using animated text kit for some time a now and thought of contributing to the library by adding a strike through animation.
Is anyone working on this? If not, may I contribute to this?