aagarwal1012 / Animated-Text-Kit

🔔 A flutter package to create cool and beautiful text animations. [Flutter Favorite Package]
MIT License
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How to keep text up after animating #340

Open watanabekyonosuke opened 2 months ago

watanabekyonosuke commented 2 months ago

I have a couple of Text objects animating but once the Flicker animation is done, the text doesn't stay up on the screen. Although I set both the repeatingForever and isRepeatingAnimation to false, the animation fades out and then the text stays disappeared.

Here is my code:

SizedBox( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, child: DefaultTextStyle( style: const TextStyle(color: Color(0xffbdbdbd), fontFamily: 'Jersey 15', fontSize: 50), child: Center( child: AnimatedTextKit( isRepeatingAnimation: false, repeatForever: false, animatedTexts: [ TypewriterAnimatedText('I Gift You...'), FadeAnimatedText(widget.contact.name), ], ), ), ), ),

Thank you in advance.

lisovyk commented 2 months ago

Came here to see people handle advanced animations – and this is one of the much needed things.. I guess you could use a Stack and Timer to show another widget with your text when animation ends... but this should really be availabe out-of-the-box in such a package. Looks promising though!