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Learning function operators with neural networks.
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Linear Attention #40

Open JakobEliasWagner opened 4 months ago

JakobEliasWagner commented 4 months ago


Current challenges in using Neural Operators are: irregular meshes, multiple inputs, multiple inputs on different meshes, or multi-scale problems. [1] The Attention mechanism is promising in that regard as it is able to contextualize these different inputs even for different/irregular input locations. However, common implementations of the Attention mechanism posses an overall complexity of O(n²d), which is squared with respect to the length of sequences. [3] This becomes limiting when applying these networks to very big datasets, as is the case for learning the solution operator of partial differential equations. [2] Therefore, multiple papers propose a linear attention mechanism to tackle this issue:

Proposed Solution

  1. Researching different proposed linear attention models: As there are many different implementations ([1] [2] and more) and related research in the field of NLP [4] a broader look into proposed methods is beneficial.
  2. Implementing the most promising candidates for linear attention: Compose a list of promising candidates and implement the best of these.
  3. Good example dataset and benchmark: Introduce this operator to a good benchmark for this kind of problem.

Expected Benefits

Implementation Steps

  1. Implement Linear Attention.

Open Questions


[1] Hao, Z. et al. Gnot: A general neural operator transformer for operator learning. in International Conference on Machine Learning 12556–12569 (PMLR, 2023). [2] Li, Z., Meidani, K. & Farimani, A. B. Transformer for partial differential equations’ operator learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13671 (2022). [3] Vaswani, A. et al. Attention is all you need. Advances in neural information processing systems 30, (2017). [4] Wang, Y. & Xiao, Z. LoMA: Lossless Compressed Memory Attention. (2024).

samuelburbulla commented 3 months ago

What's the status on this? Will this come soon? Otherwise I'll close the issue for now.