I tested the docker version on a WSL system but can running the command unzip NGS-PrimerPlex/hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta*.gz below gives the error bash: unzip: command not found
I created the container by running the command docker run -it --entrypoint 'bash' --name ngs_primerplex_ref -v ~/primer_design_wsl/:/primer_design_docker/ aakechin/ngs-primerplex:latest in a WSL Ubuntu 20.04 system
I tested the docker version on a WSL system but can running the command
unzip NGS-PrimerPlex/hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta*.gz
below gives the errorbash: unzip: command not found
I created the container by running the command
docker run -it --entrypoint 'bash' --name ngs_primerplex_ref -v ~/primer_design_wsl/:/primer_design_docker/ aakechin/ngs-primerplex:latest
in a WSL Ubuntu 20.04 systemKind regards Gustav