aalavandhaann / three_reflector

A simple utility to reflect a threejs scene on an object. This module is still in beta. So use it with caution.
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Tipify three reflector #1

Open michelmoretti opened 5 years ago

michelmoretti commented 5 years ago


Is it possible to give types definition to this utility so that can be used also with typescript?

At the moment there are no type definitions (.d.ts) and it would be very useful.



aalavandhaann commented 5 years ago

Hi Michelmoretti,

I don't have any experience with typescript. Not even a beginner.



michelmoretti commented 5 years ago

It's a pity.

I am developping a an application with three js typescript in react and something is missing to reproduce reflection between the object. your script could be very useful.

also regards Michael