aalex / toonloop

Live animation software
GNU General Public License v3.0
22 stars 7 forks source link

Build an AppImage freeze from a working version #21

Open revast opened 5 years ago

revast commented 5 years ago

looks like development has stalled. which is sad.

but it is what it is, and as technology never stands still, it gets harder and harder to get at least SOMETHING running so that people can actually at least use the Software "As Is". Speaking of that, I would suggest to build an AppImage with one of the working versions, e.g 2.2.2-2-precise-ppa1 . So that involves setting up Ubuntu Precise in a VM, installing the AppImage tools and then generating the AppImage with toonloop. This AppImage then should normally run on every platform which is newer, preserving toonloop to get lost because of outdated dependencies (Gstreamer 0.10 for the most part). Then it would be a Matter of just updating the Homepage to point to the Appimge, and get rid of the old stuff rotting there. I could help.

aalex commented 5 years ago


revast commented 5 years ago
2. Convert existing binary packages

This option might be the easiest if you already have up-to-date packages in place, ideally a ppa for 
trusty or earlier or a debian repository for oldstable. In this case, you can write a small .yml recipe and 
in many cases are done with the package to AppImage conversion. The pkg2appimage script can run .yml recipes.
revast commented 5 years ago

something like:

app: toonloop
binpatch: true

  dist: trusty
    - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main universe
    - ppa:alexandre-quessy/toonloop
probonopd commented 5 years ago


app: toonloop
binpatch: true

  dist: precise
    - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main universe
    - ppa:alexandre-quessy/toonloop

is more like it (it does produce an AppImage), but I fail to get a working JACK setup (as always - JACK is always a red sign for me).

me@host:~$ sudo ./out/Toonloop-2.1.18.glibc2.15-x86_64.AppImage 
/bin/bash: /tmp/.mount_ToonloBSixW0/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /bin/bash)
Image ././/share/pixmaps/toonloop_window_icon.png exists.
Window icon is temporarily disabled.
CAPS: video/x-raw-yuv, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1
Using MIDI bindings file ././/share/toonloop/presets/midi.xml
Cannot connect to server socket err = Connection refused
Cannot connect to server request channel
jackdmp 1.9.12
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2016 Grame.
Copyright 2016-2017 Filipe Coelho.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
me@host:~$ Unknown error...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Jack::JackTemporaryException'

My JACK server is not configured. I always fail at that. (Why doesn't it configure and start itself? It's no longer 1998, after all...)